Riding the High Road

Author: Penny Frances
Category: Romance
Total pages: 135

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Riding the High Road

In Riding the High Road, Penny Frances takes readers on an exhilarating road movie adventure that explores the complex relationship between Gethin and his biological father, Don.

Gethin, a teenage drop-out, leaves home to find his father who runs a ramshackle motorcycle museum in Scotland. His sudden departure leaves devastation in its wake for his lesbian mother, Pat, who is left questioning her own worth as an alternative parent.

When Don rebuffs him, Gethin is left adrift and alone until he meets Jez, a biker-girl who is also running from family entanglements. Together, they embark on an adrenaline-fuelled road trip on Jez's illegal Harley, which takes them on a journey of self-discovery. As they navigate the Scottish highlands, they begin to unravel their reasons for running away and confront the legacy of their parents.

Riding the High Road is a coming-of-age story that tackles themes of identity, family, and the importance of shedding one's parents' legacy. Through Gethin and Jez's journey, Penny Frances presents a powerful message about the true meaning of a rite of passage and the importance of finding one's own path in life.

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