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‘Working all through the night, were they?’

‘So I believe. Jez, why didn’t you tell me about Ken before?’

‘I called you last night?’

‘But, what, four weeks with him? I thought you were off job-hunting up the coast.’

‘And you could do what with two toddlers and a boy-dog in tow?’

Mum bites her lip. ‘I could have talked to you.’

‘Talked me out of it, more like.’

She takes a breath, holds it. Joey gives a little whimper. She pats his head, and he settles back down. ‘That’s hardly fair, Jez,’ she says, quietly.

She’s right. She’s always been open with everything she knew about my parents, how I could find out more. But now she’s upset with me, it makes me mean.

‘It’s only, I thought you’d decided against finding him, after you contacted the agency last year.’ She still sounds right hurt. ‘But you know I would have supported you whatever.’

‘Well, I read the agency letter again when I was clearing my room last month, so I thought, might as well see him as I had nowt else to do. It’s not far to Accrington on the bus.’

‘So, why move in? It’s a lot for a girl your age, all on your own like that.’

‘Look, I called you last night. Be glad about that.’

‘Oh Jez.’ She gives my hand a squeeze.

Joey spins away into the middle of the room, chasing his tail and barking. The door opens and Cherry comes in clutching a tatty ball-gowned Barbie. She stops as she sees me.

‘What are you doing here?’

‘I could ask you the same.’

She screws up her face and looks at Mum. ‘Poppy wants to get out of the cot, Grandma.’

Joey’s barking gets more frantic as he whirls around.

‘Shut up, Joey!’ Cherry screams.

Mum puts her hands over her ears. ‘Don’t shout, Cherry. What have I told you?’

‘You should tell him not to bark.’ Cherry pulls her Barbie close.

Mum catches Joey by his arms. He barks in her face. ‘Come on, let’s put your programme on and I’ll make some breakfast.’ She grabs the remote as Joey starts spinning again. ‘Joey, sit!’ Best dog trainer voice, pointing at the bean bag in front of the telly.

The DVD whirrs into action with a Special Edition Cruft’s. Joey woofs happily and lies staring at the screen.

Now there’s a banging and screaming from upstairs and Mum hurries out of the room.

Cherry pulls a smug grin at me. ‘Why are you sleeping on the settee?’

‘Because, funnily enough, there are no beds left in this mad house.’

‘I’m not mad.’ She sticks her button nose in the air.

‘But you’re in my bed.’

She screws her brow trying to think of a good answer. Mum comes in carrying the tear-stained two-year-old. She plonks her down with a kiss on the head. Pulls out the old garage and box of cars. Poppy grabs the battered London bus and sticks it in her mouth.

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