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‘What about the others out there?’ Gethin comes back with more water.

Stewart explains that some of them are stuck on a sand bank and they’re going to try to move them and turn any that come in behind them. ‘There’s a theory that the pod members follow each other’s distress calls,’ he adds. ‘But nobody really knows. Some blame the military testing from Cape Wrath. They dropped a few 1000 lb bombs in the sea recently.’

‘What?’ Gethin looks horrified as he pauses his water pouring.

‘Training exercise. It’s the only place in Europe they’re allowed to drop live bombs. They aim at the wee island off the Cape, but inevitably a few go in the sea.’

‘But aren’t whales really sensitive, to sonar and stuff?’ Gethin asks.

Stewart shakes his head. ‘Who knows the effect it might have? But the bomb disposal crew are coming to help, so you could say we’re lucky they’re here.’

‘Fucking military,’ Gethin mutters. ‘It’s obscene.’

‘Aye, well cursing will no’ save the whales,’ Stewart says. ‘Let’s just be getting on with the job.’

We carry on working in silence. The faint slap of the sea hitting the shore. Mournful cry of the gulls. Distant whistling from the Sound.

‘That’s their distress call,’ Stewart informs us, matter of fact.

Jesus, this is more than I can take. Come on, girl – like the whales have any choice but to bear it.

I move to scoop around my whale’s head again. The great staring eye gives no clue if this is doing her any good. Decided it’s a female, have I? Kidding myself I’m connecting, right? Just shut the fuck up and carry on scooping.

More people arrive from the village, wanting to help. Stewart gets two of them digging channels around his whale. Hands another watering can to the third. At least the activity and low muttering of the people drowns out the distress sounds.

Iain comes across the beach to us. ‘We’re taking the boat out to help turn the whales, if you want to join Aiden and get kitted out with wetsuits in the van.’ He turns to the roar of two large dinghies coming into the Kyle.

‘It’s the military guys.’ Stewart stands to watch.

Each boat holds four men in wetsuits and padded lifejackets. Iain waves to them as he heads back to the concrete jetty.

Gethin shoots a questioning glance at Stewart.

‘Go if you want, we’ve a team here the now.’

I place my hand on the wet sheet above my whale’s flipper. She blinks, like she’s responding.

‘Jez?’ Gethin nods towards the boats.

I keep my hand on the whale. Stewart pours water over her head and I watch her shut her eye again.

‘Come on, Jez.’ Gethin’s face shines adventure. No hesitation whatsoever.

‘I’ll be back,’ I whisper to the whale, then follow Gethin and Iain to the jetty.

Getting into wetsuits in the back of Iain’s surfing van takes the frigging piss. Like pulling on a rubber skin. Iain crawls around showing us how to ease them over every joint, pull tight round the crotch. I cringe as he pretty much does this for me, insisting the suit is not too small for my chunky thighs, while Aiden smirks, already suited up. I emerge red-faced and twice as bulky. Waddle in the weird rubber socks to the jetty.

It takes about two minutes to cross to the whales in Iain’s boat. Gethin and I sit in the middle while Aiden makes a point of ignoring us, looking out from the front seat. Iain at the back with the outboard motor.

The nearest whales are grounded on a submerged sandbank, some on their sides, some on top of each other, others swimming round the bank. The guys from the dinghies are wading waist deep, shouting instructions. The whales’ eerie whistling pierces through.

‘Jesus,’ Gethin whispers as we link rubberised arms.

Iain explains that we need get in and try to shift some of the whales while we’re waiting for the marine rescue. The tide’s rising and if they don’t move, they will drown. Gethin and I lumber into the water and follow Aiden wading slowly towards a beckoning guy.

‘Aw, freeze your baws off,’ Aiden shouts as the water hits crotch height.

And he’s right – the wetsuit isn’t as much protection as you’d think. Strange pinpricking as the cold seeps through. Legs like lead taking forever to walk a few metres.

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