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‘Ha! No, that’s from my grandparents who also gave me this!’ I pull out their cheque.

‘Wow! Five hundred smackeroonies!’

‘I keep forgetting to pay it into the bank, shows how stressed out I’ve been?’

‘You could have a holiday, Geth. Really get a break?’ Fran looks at me, eyes all shining.

She is beautiful, I’ve always known it, but I’ve never quite seen her like I am today. I think again about what Emily said and shift position to hide the surge in my groin.

Fran takes this like a cue to turn and face me as Katy Perry sings Spiritual.

‘You know, Mum already asked me how I’d feel about you staying longer? And I thought it’s been ages since our sleepovers, but these last couple of days it’s felt totally so normal to have you around.’

She squeezes my hands and her smile goes through me. I lean forward and stroke a strand of stray hair behind her ear, pause to feel the smooth skin of her neck, not stopping to note the puzzled look crossing her face as I pull her head towards me and kiss her slowly, shifting my body closer, her breasts soft against my chest, my tongue sliding between her opening lips.

She sits up, pushes me back, takes a gulp of air. ‘What the Fuck? Gethin?’

My blood drains as I shift away from her. ‘Sorry, I thought you, it just seemed…?’

‘But we’ve always said that would never happen, we’re like siblings, it would seem wrong?’ She’s up on her feet now, glowering down on me.

‘I dunno, being around you more, I thought…?’ I can feel myself physically grovelling on the futon. Fuck. Wrong. Move. Big. Style.

‘We said we can’t imagine fancying each other.’

‘Did we? When?’

‘Oh My God, Gethin, ages ago?’ She’s got her arms crossed over her chest, shoulders tensed.

‘Why would we say that? I mean, it’s not like we’re both ugly or…?’

‘It’s a No, Gethin. Such a definite No. Jesus!’ She shouts in my face, then takes a step back, blinking hard.

As if I’m arguing with her. As if I want to upset her more. Could I be more of a fucking idiot?

‘I’m sorry, really. Just forget it, please?’

She tugs hard at her hair, shakes her head at me.

I sit and mess with Gran’s card. Oh God. Gotta get out!

‘Listen, Fran,’ I shuffle to the edge of the futon. ‘I think I told Ben I’d pop round tonight?’

She nods, biting her bottom lip. ‘It’s OK, you don’t have to go.’

But it’s not OK. I get up and stumble towards the door, grabbing at the handle which I somehow can’t shift.

‘Here.’ Fran opens the door for me.

‘Thanks.’ I hurry across the landing to the stairs. By the time I think to look back she’s closed the door.

At least I got out before Grace saw me, I think as I pace down the street, pulling on the hoody that I grabbed from the hooks in the hall. I pull out my phone to ring Ben – he’s going to have to be OK with me crashing on his floor tonight. Maybe we can hook up with Lenny and Frank? Boys Night In, smoke a bud, shoot some FIFA.

Another text from Mum: Gethin, let’s stop the silliness and try start again. Just want to talk. Purleeese! Mx

Something about that ridiculous Purleese,like she’s way down wiv da kidz. Mum, Fran, Emily. Too many women fucking with my head! I type my reply as I hurry along.

Bit late now Mum. Back off! De-friended on Facebook btw L

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