Page 105 of Riding the High Road

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‘Oh My God, that’s so sad.’ Gethin shakes his head.

‘Aye, we’ll no’ be out on the surf today. Doesn’t seem right.’

‘I so wish we could have been more use,’ Gethin says.

‘Better to think of the ones we did help. As far as we can see they’re off and away now.’

Iain’s words seem to comfort Gethin. But how wrong is it to be here drinking beer, those whales dead on the beach? Why the heck didn’t I stay with her at least?

Iain lowers his face to meet my gaze. Washed-out blue eyes in pale circles from his surfing goggles. ‘Nature’s a cruel thing, hen. There’s no help getting maudlin. Will we see about a dram in a minute? Nothing else for it on a dreich day like this.’

I force a smile. ‘A dram is probably the way to go.’ I try to claw back that chilled feeling I woke with.

Meanwhile Middle-Aged Barbie has finished thrashing her partner at pool.

‘I’ll chalk that one up for the ladies, will I?’ She brushes her hands down her pink fleecy sleeves.

‘Aye, if it pleases you, it’ll be short lived.’ He slings his arm around her.

She moves to tap Iain on the shoulder. ‘Will you tell our Danny here, there’s nothing to gain from this trolling of JK Rowling we’re reading about?’

‘Oh, right, I saw it in the headlines yesterday,’ I say. ‘JKR getting hit with sexist tweets for coming out against independence.’

‘Well, she has a right to her opinion, you’ll agree with me there at least, Iain?’ The woman sits down with us.

‘Aye, Sheila, there’s no need to cheapen a healthy debate and give the media what they’re looking for.’ Iain says.

‘Well, the bitch has cheapened things for the Better Together with her million squids. Be awright if we could all do that, Iain?’ Danny leans over the back of Sheila’s chair.

Sheila jolts her head to shift him. ‘There’s the lottery millionaires have donated to the Yes people. And she’s making some sound points, like how we’re to support our old people when the oil and gas runs out.’

‘All these are arguments that can be debated,’ Iain says as Danny looks about to butt in. ‘And an independent Scotland stands more chance, in my opinion, of developing new policies for sustainability and social care away from the money grabbing Westminster cronies.’

‘Well, you’ve no’ convinced me to take the risk, though you’ve more chance than this dunderheid.’ Sheila tosses her head back to bump Danny’s chest. ‘Come on then, you great hulking mannie, let’s see you even up the score.’ She drags him back to the pool table.

‘Hmm, with friends like him, I’m guessing Yes don’t need enemies.’ Gethin leans to whisper to Iain.

‘Och, there’ll aye be nutters on both sides. But the British media love to brand us all as louts. The reality is ordinary Scots like Sheila here, fiercely debating stuff they never even thought of before, and mostly with respect’

‘As in, it’s got to be about more than JKR?’ Gethin suggests.

‘Too right! And it’s time we raised that dram for the whales. Another pint for the chaser?’

Iain heads for the bar just as Gethin’s phone beeps. I stare out of the window at the milky blank while he reads his message.

‘Do not believe.’ Gethin shoves his phone under my nose. ‘My mum apologises!’

Hi darling, hope you OK & enjoying Scotland. Sorry I’ve been difficult. I love you. Mumx

‘That’s nice. Guess it took a lot for her to send it, right?’ I say.

‘Yeah, I am slightly touched, I have to admit,’ his voice shakes a little. ‘I’ll reply in a bit.’

He stares at the phone. Jumps as it goes to standby. ‘Back in a minute.’ He beams up at me, strokes my hand as he heads for the Gents.

Through the window I can just make out the fence at the cliff edge. A man in a dark coat walking a black dog through the greyness. Nowt for it but to take a dram and some more random company. Stop me dwelling on the whales. I let out a long sigh just as Gethin appears. All one big grin.

‘Hey, look what I got!’ He flicks a pack of condoms in my face.

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