Cocky New Start: Ben Cocker

Author: Faleena Hopkins
Category: Romance
Total pages: 96

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Cocky New Start: Ben Cocker

In Atlanta, Georgia…

The six Cocker Brothers have earned their nickname, The Cocky Brothers. Their grown kids take after them. Ben Cocker, Jaxson’s son, is the first to get a divorce. And it ain’t pretty. But when a new group of retreat guests descend upon Sunflower House, he meets someone who just might remind him of what he’s always wanted…hot and pure forever love.

Thank you to all my readers who read this new book as I wrote it, chapter by chapter. Visit my website for more details. Enjoy Ben Cocker in Cocky New Start!
Heat. Humor. Heart. Cocker Brothers. This series is 18+ Enjoy Books 1-6 now in a six-book box set.

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