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With a whimsical look, Michelle says, "I'd like to know what Danny is doing. He was my first love in high school. It wasn't meant to last for us. I know it does for some people, high school sweethearts and all that. But Danny and I were just too different. Still, I'd love to know what he's up to. He was such a sweet guy. A little too sweet for me."

Sienna laughs, “That’s why I never heard of him.”

Michelle grins with mischief, “Exactly!”

Not having traveled much, I ask them, “What's New York like?"

"It's so fun!” Michelle says.

Sienna gives more detail, “When you walk out of your apartment, there are always people on the streets. Constant activity. You could be completely relaxed in your space, having a nap, and you walk outside and you're thrown into this electricity. It's very cool. I like to call it, reliable excitement.”

“I love that there are so many people from different countries," Michelle adds. “ If you're on the subway, in a store, just walking around, and oh my gosh, Central Park! So many accents are walking by you all the time. It's one of the biggest cities in our country even though it's only about nine-and-a-half miles long, Manhattan I mean. If you include all the boroughs it's huge."

Sienna nods, “Way huge,” and continues, “So many different industries, so when you're at a café or something and you're overhearing people’s conversations, they're always completely different. People are talking about current events, their businesses, the finance world, Broadway, international trade. You see people from all ages out and about, and usually incredibly fashionable. It's one of the fashion meccas of the world so?—“

Michelle asks Marco, "Do you think New York is bigger than Milan, fashion-wise?"

I glance to Laura, and she smiles. We both noticed at dinner that Michelle asked a lot of questions of him. He explained to us all about Sorrento because she asked, diving in to know more about the Italian with gently asked question after question. It was impossible not to notice her interest in him.

"I've never been to Milan,” Marco admits, “It's on the far north of Italy. Industrial. I prefer smaller cities. Have you ever been to Italy?" He is only looking at her. Only curious about her reply.

Laura begins to open her mouth to answer and, under the bubbling water, I poke her leg. She locks eyes with me and I wordlessly tell her to let them have their conversation. New Hampshire glances over to Sienna who nods that she knows exactly what we're thinking.

"I'm getting hot. I think I'm gonna go in,” Laura says.

“Me too,” agrees Sienna.

Michelle overlaps, “I’ve never been but I’d love to go,” until she realizes what Sienna just said. “Oh really? You’re leaving?” Michelle begins to rise but her friend waves that bad idea away.

"You stay. I'll see you up in our room. I think I'm gonna grab a donut on my way up. I saw them in the pantry box."

Laura takes the cue, “Donuts?"

I rise, water cascading off my body, steam blowing up around me, "I would love a donut.”

I know it's not the heat that's making Michelle suddenly blush, but she doesn't object as we three women leave her and Marco alone in a very sexy location. Lucky girl. Maybe something might come of it? As soon as we’re inside I tell Laura, “And I thought California to Georgia was far."

Sienna overheard me. “You're interested in Ben, aren't you? I saw you guys dancing! Don't think I didn't!"

"How long is the flight? Four-and-a-half hours?" Laura asks. "That's not that long."

Sienna says, "I once dated a guy who lived in London." adding after a beat, “See, New York has people from all over the world coming to it. He was there on business and wow, what a ride!" She giggles, heading for the glazed donuts. We each take one, debating whether or not to have espresso with it.

“We're on vacation,” I grin.

“So what if we don't pass out right when we hit the pillow tonight,” Laura says.

“Yay! Espresso!” Sienna says, pronouncing it correctly as Espresso rather than Expresso like so many do because you drink it so fast, with it that small. Yet powerful.

Drinking it, I wince almost as hard as I did the tequila, and Laura laughs at me. “You’re not supposed to down it!”

“Habit from last night.”

“You’re hilarious.”

I wink, “I did that to make you laugh.”

“Was it worth the burn?”

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