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“They were in the hills, but after the fires they came down into the city neighborhoods. We don't see as many in Venice, but my friends who live in Hollywood see them all the time."

"When I think of Hollywood I don't think of hills.”

“Remember what the Hollywood sign is on?"

I laugh at my ignorance, “Oh right! I guess I just think of hills when I think of here. I need to travel more. Never been to California. Obviously. My cousin Sophia Sol has. She's in a motorcycle club and they travel all over the country fighting the battles of the innocent."

Willow stops walking and faces me. “She what?”

I describe to her all about The Ciphers — at least what I know, since they keep most of their actions secret. I tell Willow how they get whispers of people who are wronged, of help that’s needed, and how they answer the call, finishing with, “They do what the cops can't. They're pretty tired of the judicial system — bad guys back out on the streets too fast, over and over — so when things are really rough, people victimized, they go in there and take care of things. She's pretty quiet about the details of their ‘missions’ — that’s what she calls them — but I've heard about a few. She shared some details the rest of us don't get to see in our lifetimes. Pretty dark stuff.”

“They fight the battles of the innocent,” Willow repeats.


“So they’re heroes.”


“That’s amazing.” Willow tilts her head. “You're proud of her.”

“I’m very proud of her. We’re really close, at least I like to think we are. Haven’t seen as much of her as I’d like.” Which goes for all of my cousins, but I don’t add that part. “Soph and I spent a lot of time together when we were growing up.” I snatch up a purple wildflower and hand it to Willow. “Matches your dress. Most of our family is in Atlanta, but she lives in Louisiana. Dad and Uncle Jett, her dad, are best friends, the two oldest. So she was here more often than in Atlanta when we were kids.”

“Are you closest to her then?”

“I’m closest to her and Ethan. Although for some years, I didn't see him much, either. I’m fixing that."

"Tell me about Ethan.”

“Well that's easy because there's a lot to tell,” I laugh. “Oh man, my cousin Ethan is incredibly smart. He's a software engineer who patented and sold most of his work to the government. Security stuff. But it's hilarious that his work is that serious because he's so laid-back, so funny. Biggest goof of us all.” Thoughtfully I add, “Although Nicholas is pretty funny too. I haven't had a chance to spend as much time with him, either, unfortunately."

“Tell me about your cousins.” She squeezes my hand.

I go through the line of Cocker Cousins, sharing their names and a little bit about them, but after nine or ten of them, Willow gets overwhelmed and I can tell she's not following me, though she's trying. “There are sixteen so I can understand this is hard to follow. And let me tell you about their kids… " She laughs at my joke. “That would take us all night,” I smile. “But it would give me a chance to spend all night with you.”

She lifts the wildflower to her nose and looks at me from the corner of her eyes.

At the ranch’s end we reach the small pond, water shimmering with reflected stars. I lead her to the water's edge. “We made this when I was fourteen.”

“You made this?!”

"Mom, dad, and I shoveled it in the fall months when it wasn't so hot. Took a long time, but with the rains that came after, and the snow, it was easily filled. We made sure it was deep enough and wide enough, even brought some fish. Then they multiplied. The frogs came on their own.”

“It’s lovely.”

“It's a nice watering hole for the animals. Jonny's been in it a few times. When he was really little. We taught him how to swim here.”

Willow and I sit down, take off our shoes, and dangle our feet below the surface of cool water. I lean over and press my lips against Willow's, the taste of her intoxicating.

But she pulls back. “Ben, I…”

“Too fast?”

"I just can't get over the fact that you're married."

I frown, “Of course.”

"Can you?" She asks "I wanna kiss you so bad. But I feel like I can't. I just can't do that knowing how much…”

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