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Jonny watches me for a few seconds, “I think I could love her, too.”



At dinner I tell Willow, “Jonny’s staying at Mom and Dad’s tonight.”

Her eyebrows rise flirtatiously. “Oh really?”

I smirk, “You know what that means.”

“My room will be vacant tonight.”

“Definitely.” And for many nights to come.

She returns to the kitchen to continue cleaning up.

I cross to Dad who’s wrapping up leftovers. “Can I talk to you?”

We leave without another word, exiting to the front porch. As soon as the front door closes tight I tell him, “Thanks for watching Jonny all of these times. You won’t have to for much longer.”

Dad stares at me. “Is there a reason?”

“I’m asking Willow to move in with me tonight.”

His grin comes slow. “Well well well. I’m guessing you and Jonny had a conversation that ended well.”

“Before school today, yeah. He said he thinks he could love her, too.”

Dad claps his hand on my shoulder, then doubles-down by pulling me in for a bear hug. “That’s great, Ben!”

“Think she’ll say yes?” I joke.

He laughs. “No. She hasn’t shown she cares about you at all.”

“Nah, not at all.”

“She’s wildly in love with you.”

“Has been since the first night,” I confirm.

“You already told each other.”

“Yeah, we’ve kept that quiet until I could tell my son.”

Dad nods. “I like how you’ve handled all of this. I’m proud of you. No one has a rule book for divorce.”

I exhale. “How could they? They’re all different.”

“You know what, Ben? I’m proud to call you my son.”

A smile spreads on me. “Thanks Dad. That means a lot. I’ve always been proud you’re my dad.”

He smiles and pulls me in for another hug, clapping my back. “I love you, Ben.”

“I love you, too, Dad.”

We separate and are silent, staring out at the ranch until I say, “I haven’t told Mom. I think Willow will want to explain how she’ll still work here, just not live. That’s my plan at least.”

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