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Maggie smiles knowingly at my toothbrush. "I see."

Pete asks, “What do you see?"

They continue walking, "I'll tell you in our room, dear,” with Maggie patting my shoulder as she passes. “Have a good time, Willow.”

Laura pokes her head around the corner from downstairs and calls up, “All clear!”

I pass by others on the stairs as they head for their swimsuits. Marco, Michelle, Sienna, and finally, as I hit the bottom, Dax appears and checks out my pajamas, the telltale toothbrush sticking up in my hand. I get a winked, “Ah, so I’m alone on the last night.”

“You going in the Jacuzzi?”

“There's a first for everything." They hug me. “Happy for you. I’m gonna bring my flask of whiskey with me. Happy for me.”

“Reminds me of high school. But it was vodka."

"I've never been in a Jacuzzi before."

"Oh, you meant really a first!"

"Yep!" They disappear upstairs and I enter the main room feeling light as air.

Steven, the last to head up, approaches and stops in front of me, right beside one of the sofa-coffee-table sets up, and I pause to listen as he says, “We haven't had a lot of alone time you and I. I don't feel like I've gotten to know you very well. But I have to say, I've been watching what's happening with you and Ben and I think it's really great. I haven't met my person yet.” He combs his hair with nimble fingers. “Maybe that's why I keep going on all these retreats. I'm on a healing journey right now. Hopefully I'll be ready for partnership when this is all over."

I understand, without having to ask, that they mean the journey in its entirety, not just this trip. "Who knows? Maybe it will happen in the middle of your healing journey.”

“I'm leaving that up to the Universe.” He exhales. “I’ve done a shit job of choosing partners on my own. Hopefully something greater than myself has a better idea." Steven disappears upstairs to change, and I head out, offer a smile and a wave goodnight to Sylvia, walking to Ben who's in the kitchen with her.

“Ready to go?” he asks, pulling me close.

I blush, “Yes,” glancing to Sylvia to find her smiling at me. “I was just talking to some of my new friends.”

Sylvia says, “It’s been a great group.”

Ben takes my hand, “Come on.”

As we head for the door, Sylvia calls after us. “Your dad used to say that to your mom!”

A smirk appears on his face. “And now I know why.”

“Awwww!” Sylvia sighs. “You’re giving me hope for a second chance at love, Benny!” Before the door shuts we hear her talking to herself, saying quietly, “Maybe there’s still love for me yet.”



We drove over in my weathered Ford truck. On the ride Willow told me about how she spent her day, but the entire time I was thinking about spending the night with her. All night long, hot sex. Eating to keep our strength up.

I left the porch light on, house peaceful with a lamp lit in the front window. Cicadas chirp from where they live in the trees around us, solar lanterns illuminating rows of produce Willow takes a peek at. “When do you work on the farm?”

“Mornings is when I get the most done, but throughout the day there are things to do. Nights free for the most part.”

I hold open the door for her to walk in first. “Wine? Bought some for tonight.”

“A bedroom set and wine, for me?” she teases, walking backward and looking stunningly beautiful.

I smirk, “And a meat and cheese plate, with cheese made from Dad’s ranch.”

“Really?” Impressed, she flips around, walking toward the kitchen. “We just ate but I could see…working up an appetite.”

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