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Just a giggling, melted mess of a woman.

That’s this chick right here.



Isneak into my bedroom, but Dax wakes up enough to ask, “How was it?"

“How was what?"

"You know what. I heard a lot of…movement…underneath the window."

Horrified, I look over at their bed to find Dax smiling. "Oh my gosh. You heard us? You think anybody else heard us?”

"They were probably sleeping. I'm a night owl…and a light sleeper. And...I was worried about you."

This softens me. "You don't have to worry. But it's sweet that you do.”

"You remind me a little of my sister. Can't help it."

"I didn't know that!"

"Emily. She’s beautiful too.” After a second, during which I process the compliment, Dax adds, “We’re twins. I was born female, but I don't like to identify as that. I believe I'm both. I am all the things.”

“Huh. Thank you for sharing that with me.” There's something poetic about the way they explained themself. Since we’re discussing it, I decide to brave a curious question. "How did your twin react to your being non-binary?"

"It wasn't a surprise.”

"And your parents?"

"Same. From the beginning, I rejected the normal color patterns children are given. I used to take off the pink clothes and cry until they put me in something that had no association with male or female. Purple is my favorite color. I love that dress by the way, but I bet you love it even more now."

“True.” I smile, "Never throwing it away."

"Or washing it?"

I laugh, “Ew,” while changing into my pajamas. "Are you attracted to any particular sex?"

"I'm attracted to the person. It doesn't matter which sex they are.” Dax rises up on an elbow, lit by moonlight streaming in through gauzy curtains. “All people can be beautiful. So for me, I'm attracted to who they are, not what they are. I've been with all types."

"That increases the playing field," I note, heading to brush my teeth. “Lucky.”

“They’re not always attracted to me.”

“Well, that’s everyone’s problem, isn’t it?”

“Yeah. It’s a bummer.”

Before I disappear into the bathroom I smile, “If only everyone liked us back.”

“Rejection is God’s protection.”

This comment draws me back. “I love that! Do you believe in God?”

“I believe in a Higher Power.”

“What is that to you?”

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