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“That’s her side of the street, yeah, to talk to Sylvia and your mom.” he nods, understanding. “But I’ll have to tell your mother in a parent capacity.” After a laugh, he confesses, “I want to see her face. She’ll be ecstatic.”

We head inside and I walk over, give Jonny a kiss on his head before he heads over to their house.

“G’night Mom,” I smirk with a hug for her.

“What’s that face?”


With suspicion she eyes me. “Okay then. Goodnight honey.” Her attention flips to Dad. “You ready?”


“You’ve got that same look.”

“Don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.”

She mutters, “Hmph,” disbelieving.

In the kitchen I walk up behind Willow, slide my arms around her. “I have to run back to the house. I’ll come back and get you in about fifteen.”

“You don’t want to wait while I grab my things? Save yourself a trip?”

“No, I forgot something there.”

“Oh,” she frowns, slightly confused. “Okay.”

“See you in a bit.”

Takes me about twenty minutes to return and as I walk inside, I find Willow and Sylvia drinking chamomile tea on one of the sofas, laughing about something. “What’s funny?”

Willow looks to her boss and friend. “You want to tell him?”

Sylvia rolls her eyes. “I went on a date last night. Met him online and when I got there I discovered he was in his 90’s.”

“You didn’t know this?”

“I wouldn’t have gone on the date!” Gesturing with her hands she cries out, “I’m older than you but not by that much! I need someone in my age range. Early seventies is my oldest, but I’d prefer sixties. Keep it in the same decade.”

“But why did you go then? I don’t get it.”

“He posted pictures someone took thirty years ago! He was acting like I wouldn’t be able to tell! I told him, I love your honesty.”

I crack up. “Nice.”

“Thirty-year-old pictures.” She shifts her weight on the seat. “You’ve gotta be kidding me. You’re not in your sixties, honey. Just own who you are.”

Willow offers, “I would think there are older women looking for a boyfriend if he’d just be honest.”

Sylvia cries out “Right?!” and sighs.

Willow rises, “I’ll see you tomorrow,” and starts for her cup.

“I’ve got that. You go be with your man.”

“You sure?”

“Of course I’m sure.”

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