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"Shelby, this isn't the place." I turn to the group, gaze inadvertently locking with Willow’s confusion. "Excuse me everyone. It was nice meeting you.” I include everyone, scanning the group. “Sorry for the interruption. My wife and I are leaving.” Kicking myself for not saying Ex-wife, I say, “Have a good night,” just to get out of here and let Mom, Dad and Syl repair the damage drama always causes.

"I'm not leaving!"

With a crème brûlée in each hand, Mom says,. "I don't understand, Shelby. We don't have your name on the roster." I know she wants to say, we’d never have allowed you to book a room.

“My cousin bought it for me. Opal Denny?"

Mom and Dad exchange a look and Sylvia nods, “That's the person who said they would be driving themselves here. I was wondering."

Suddenly innocent-looking, Shelby announces, “Surprise!" And she’s wearing my favorite dress of hers, a floor-length sky-blue summer dress, her blonde curls perfect around her pretty face, “Lord knows I need a break. A retreat is perfect. I've been needing to relax and I really, really wanted to get closer to you. Mr. and Mrs. Cocker. Mom said she’d watch Jonny. I know things have been tough, and we haven't gotten to know each other very well. I want to make that right. I want to keep my family together." She touches my chest with what appears to be love in her eyes. "And I know Ben feels the same. He cares so much about family. He doesn't want ours to split up. He doesn't want ours to be broken. I know in his heart he doesn’t.”

I feel like someone just punched my throat.

The guests shift their weight, nobody knowing what to do.

Anger finds my voice, “Can we talk outside?”

“Which room am I staying in? Oh, I hope it’s the rose-painted one. That’s my favorite. I know it’s got two beds but I don’t mind sharing…”

I swoop down, throw her over my shoulder and walk out, “Dad, get her bag!”

She pounds on my back, screaming, “Put me down!"



"What the ever-loving fuck was that?" Dax asks, following it up with, “Can I paint them?"

Rachel whispers something to Sylvia and rushes outside, screen door slamming behind her. Her friend and cohost explains to us, “Well, that's the end of the theater part of this evening." Awkward laughter spreads throughout. "Everyone, I'm terribly sorry. We all are. They’re going through some things. We've all been there."

Sienna and Michelle offer, “Yes we have." "Several times."

Maggie says, "We were high school sweethearts," glancing to Pete.

I'm silent because shock has me in its chokehold. He's married. Dammit, why does he have to be married? I didn't see a wedding ring on his finger. Maybe he took it off back at home when he washed his hands?

Laura changes the subject, as if everything is fine, “Do you mind if I check out the arts and crafts room? I'm curious. Willow, come with me." We don’t wait for an answer.

Dax tags along without a word and, once inside, Laura closes the door, granting us privacy. I dart a dazed glance around the compact room, taking note of shelves upon shelves that showcase varying kinds of paints in every color I can think of. Dax walks to explore them more closely. Against a wall are three-foot long wood planks. Clear mason jars gather together on one of four long tables. Naked wreaths made of sticks are ready to adorn. Laura, ignoring the surroundings, captures my attention with the confession, “That reminded me too much of my ex-husband. What an asshole.”

I ask, “How he picked her up like that?”

"I meant her."

“Oh. I feel a little bad for her.”

Dax says, “Wow,” making me glance over to see them admiring permanent paint splotches on the hardwood floors, a license to create without caution.

Laura and I huddle up. "My Ex was just like that at the end. He kept showing up at things that I was doing. He wouldn't let go. I finally had to get a restraining order. Made co-parenting extremely difficult. I love my daughter but sometimes I wish I never had a tie to him because I have to see him for the rest of my life. At holidays. When she gets married. That asshole gets to walk her down the aisle. Unless I find somebody of my own again, someone she likes enough to have him do the honors." Laura rolls her eyes. "I'm not gonna hold my breath."

"You think they're on the downslide of their marriage?"

Her blue eyes go huge. "Did that look like happily wed to you?”

"I'm not assuming anything."

"I think it's safe to say it's over."

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