Sunshine and the Sheriff

Author: Alina Lane
Category: Romance
Total pages: 108

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Sunshine and the Sheriff

Small town? Yes. Quiet? Not anymore.

As the eldest brother of six rowdy boys, Sheriff Harlan Calhoun is used to running a tight ship. It’s how he keeps his brothers, and his town, out of trouble. But that infamous control flies right out the window when Maisie Williams comes crashing into his life—literally. With the camper that provides her both transportation and a place to live out of commission, Maisie is in desperate need of a place for her and her baby girl to stay. Now Harlan has a gorgeous, if somewhat skittish single mother living above his garage. Temptation incarnate, and one he is slowly losing the battle to resist. But Harlan has other battles to win. Like the battle for his job, and his town—and whatever it is that sent Maisie running to Everette in the first place…

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