C*cky Best Friend

Author: Faleena Hopkins
Category: Erotic | Romance | New Adult
Total pages: 99

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C*cky Best Friend

How do you go from best friends to lovers?
Sam misinterprets my accidentally checking out her body, and teases me, “Don’t judge my sweat! Just shows I worked for it.”
“This face?” I circle my index finger. “Admiration. How’d you do?”
“You’re lying.”
She crumbles, playing with her braid as her sweet eyes dart away on the confession, “Terrible. I did terribly.”
“No way.”
“I did.”
“What happened?”
“I don’t know, Logan. I wasn’t on my game up there. Off day. No big deal.”
This is what I love about you, Sam. You could unload all of your sh*t onto me — and it’s probably about your sister, Lexi, again — but that would be selfish, and you never are.
Wishing we weren’t two feet apart, concern deepens my voice. “Any chance?”
“Um…yeah.” She gives me a huge smile. “I finally clicked into it. I was really there, you know.”
“The zone, man, I love that.”
“Isn’t it the best feeling?”
“It’s everything.”
You’re everything.
You. Are. Everything.
They’ve danced together since they were six. Always ‘background.’ Always in the shadows. Until now.

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