Page 79 of C*cky Best Friend

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“Logan, you always said you wanted a big family,” I offer, but my heart is thumping hard. “So, why don’t you just give her what she wants?”

“Sam…” I can see him rubbing his face, because that’s exactly what he would do at this moment. It makes me wonder if he still looks the same. Does he have a beard? Does the production make him shave his strong jaw? Has he broadened out as the years have passed? Are his eyes as dead as mine?

Why did I just think that?

My eyes are just fine.

I’m happy.

“You know what I think?” I ask, rinsing my water glass and placing it in the dishwasher. “This is one of the most important decisions you could ever make and you need to be very careful.”

He ruefully laughs, “Are you saying that to me or to you?”

“Goodnight Logan.”



“Talk next Monday.”


I listen to him hanging up, and stand here with the phone to my ear for a long, long time.

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