Page 33 of C*cky Best Friend

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“How long before this heals?”

“Are you and Asher dating?”

My neck flushes as I glance back to where he’s laughing with two of the male dancers, chomping basil and goat cheese. We’re not supposed to be eating carbs, but what’s a celebration without rebellion?

“I don’t know if it’s official. He just took my hand so I didn’t object, and that’s really all it is.”

“Wow,” she dryly mutters. “That’s convenient for you.”

I sigh, “I really don’t like it when you’re negative with me.”

“Negative? When am I negative?”

“Pretty often. For years.”

“I don’t know if you noticed, Sam, but my leg is in a cast suspended in the air. I’m sorry if I’m not super sweet right now. Kind of got fucked over.”

I’m torn between wanting to tell her that this is the reason people don’t like her very much, while simultaneously feeling sorry for her because she’s right. What happened to her I wouldn’t wish on my enemies, not that I have any.

“I’m sorry this happened. I can’t imagine what you must be feeling. If it were me I would’ve cried all night, too.”

“I wasn’t crying.” She wipes her eyes, blinking rapidly. “I’m allergic to something in this blanket. I think it's what they wash it with. A harsh chemical or something.”

Yeah, sure. They use harsh chemicals in hospitals where sick people are.“Did they give you an allergy pill?”

“I haven’t asked for one yet. But I’m sure they will. They’re taking very good care of me.” Frustrated with keeping up the lie she looks around. “Any more mushroom pizza left?”

Someone hands it to her and I glance around for Logan, wondering if he heard any of that. Only he would understand what I’m thinking right now.

But he’s not in the room, so I abandon Marion’s side now that she’s turned away from me like I’m no longer here, and walk over to Lexi and Zoe. “Where is Logan? Bathroom?”

Lexi gives me this knowing look. “He left while you were outside talking to Asher.”

On an annoyed smile, I turn to our cousin and demand, “Do you think Logan has a thing for me?”

Her nose crinkles. “That would be so weird. No way.” Glancing to Lexi she accuses her, “You are addicted to love. Not all of us are supposed to be paired off.”

And with that unusual outburst, Zoe stomps out of the hospital room, pushing her way through because it’s so crowded in here.

We stare at her until the door bars our visibility.

We exchange a look.

Lexi mutters, “Do you think she’ll die a virgin?”

The door swings back open and it’s Zoe. I grab my sister’s arm thinking there’s no way she heard that virgin comment. Especially since she’s grinning as she cups her hand. “Emma just got admitted! She’s having her baby!”

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