Page 8 of C*cky Best Friend

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Chapter Four


Itoss my sock at the screen. “What is wrong with you!? You should have picked him!”

Lexi pops her head inside the front door while tucking away her key. When last I saw her hair it was sleek and straight. Now it looks like she hasn’t left Brad’s bed all day. “That’s a lot of tissues, Sam.”

“He chose the stranger!” I point to the rolling credits. “Can you believe that! Someone he barely knew!”

“That’s terrible.” She tilts her head, bright green eyes flicking from Sally Ashes to my phone. “Logan’s calling you.”

He said he’d call when he got news about the musical. I rush to answer it, crying out, “Oh my Gosh, did you hear back?”

“I got the part.”

Happiness explodes by way of the loudest scream I’ve got as I jump onto our couch, tissues tumbling around my one-bare foot and one-socked foot. “Are you serious! That’s incredible! I’m so happy for you!” Zoe rushes up in her pajamas, eyes sleepy and confused. I shout at her, “Logan got that musical, Zo! He’s the brother of the lead!”

She cups her hands to shout, “Congratulations, Logan!”

“Thanks, Zo!”

“He said thank you!”

“You’re welcome!” Quieter, she tells Lexi, “I thought there was a burglar!”

“No, just me,” my sister jokes.

I grin as I gather tissues. “Tell me all about it. Every slash, glide, punch—every detail!”

“Have you heard anything?”

“Not yet, but you just got the call?”


“This late?”

“I called you right away.”

“Better have!” I run into our kitchen to toss sadness into an overflowing trashcan under our messy sink. “How’d you do it? How’d you win the role?”

“Ms. Galloway gave me the steps with that guy watching.”

“Rogess, the Broadway producer?”

“Yeah, and his bug-eyed assistant.”

“He was bug-eyed!”

Zoe yawns and waves as she heads back to her bedroom.

But Lexi is curious so she joins me back on the couch while Logan laughs, “He was totally bug-eyed. Just stared. No expression. The whole time I was there! She took me through the steps and Rogess sat back while Kelly played the song. All the guy needed was an evil mustache twirling in his fingers.”

“Oh my God, totally.”

“I did the number. And then they sprung dialogue on me.”

Sally Ashes bounds onto Lexi’s lap as I freak out, “They didn’t give you the lines ahead of time?”

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