Page 12 of C*cky Best Friend

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“I’m not done,” I murmur, waving my hands in the air. “He’s very persistent. There. Got him.”

We sit in silence for a bit until I hear Samantha’s breathing change. Stifling a laugh, I listen to her sleeping. I can picture her parted lips, long, light brown eyelashes closed as she cuddles with Sally. I bet the lights are still on in her room — she always does that.

I’ve seen Sam dreaming more times that I could count. When we were little she was just my buddy. But that changed, and I don’t know exactly when. I love watching her sleep. She looks angelic, but I can’t let it last.


She snorts, “Huh? What?!”

“You passed out. Not cool.”

“Who are you? How did this phone get in my hand?”

“If I didn’t get rid of the boogeyman, just say so. You don’t have to insult me by pretending I bored you unconscious.”

Her tone shifts to curious. “Okay, weird.”

My eyebrows shoot up. “It’s gone?”

“The shadow is different.”

“See? I’m magic.”

“Go to sleep, dork.”

I lose the humor and ask, “What were you thinking about earlier? Something’s bugging you.”

She sighs, “I don’t want to dampen your big day, Logan.”

Adjusting my pillow, I rest on my hand, staring at the dark ice cream cone in the corner. “You upset you didn’t get the part? There’s still a chance.”

“There’s a reason I screwed up my audition.”


“Caden got sent to Chicago. We took him to the airport this morning.”

“What?” Bolting upright, I drag a hand through my messy hair. “When did this happen? Why didn’t you tell me? I wish you would’ve told me so I could have helped pack and say goodbye, too.”

With regret in her voice, she says, “It was just family, Logan. He doesn’t have a big house, and everyone…well, it was just a Cocker thing. Sorry.”

Tightness digs into my chest.

Did she even think to call?

Was I on her mind at all?

“Sure, I get it. No big deal.”

She sounds so sleepy as she says, “It was pretty much just us cousins.”

“It’s cool. This isn’t about me.”

“Sweet dreams, Logan.”

“Night,” I frown, staying on the line.

She’s snoring into the receiver within seconds.

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