Page 93 of C*cky Best Friend

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Chapter Forty-Three


“Do you still like sweet, white wine?” I’m looking at a leather bound menu, pages long.

She leans over the table, “I’m so mad at you right now.”

While I thumb through our choices I casually ask, “Because I’m making you wait before I fuck you?”

Covering her face, she laughs, “Be quiet!”

The waiter comes up. He either didn’t hear me or he’s pretending. “Can I help you with any wine selections, Sir?”

Sam and I exchange a brief look at him calling me that. I’m daring her to laugh, and she’s trying hard not to. “The lady will have the Sauvignon Blanc. Actually, I see you have two options. Give me the pricey one.” I turn the page to a cocktails list that I don’t have the patience for. “I’ll take Jameson on the rocks.”

He relieves me of the wine list and heads away.

“I’ll have the pricey one?” Samantha laughs. “Classy.”

“You know what I realized while I was traveling?”

She takes a sip of her water and shakes her head.

Leaning casually back in my chair, I rest my wrist on the white tablecloth. “That it’s much more fun to act a little crass than it is to act like you have a stick up your ass. That rhymes. I’m an unintentional poet.”

“It’s always better to have fun,” Samantha smiles, biting her lip in this sexy way. She lowers her voice to a whisper. “I don’t know how I’m going to eat when all I want is you.”

My cock twitches in my pants. “I want you, too.”

“Tell me more about your travels.”

“Why don’t we move in together?”

Sam’s pretty eyebrows reach for the chandeliers. “What?!”

Absently adjusting my silverware, I shrug a shoulder, “I need to get a place in town. It just so happens you also need to find a home. What a coincidence.”

Samantha breaks out in this happy laugh that makes me flash a grin despite the fact that I’m trying to contain how lucky I feel. We had a dinner reservation I almost abandoned because I wanted her so badly. But I waited this long. Why rush a dream as good as this?

“Did I tell you how London surprised me? It looked a little fake, it was so beautiful. Like Disney World created it yesterday. The structures were that storybook majestic.”

She taps the table. “You can’t just skate past a suggestion that we move in together like you never said it!”

“Buckingham Palace is walking distance from city-center. Weird, right?”


“You think they’d tuck it somewhere private for safety reasons. But it’s always been there so, that’s where it is.”

The table gets a smack. “Logan!”

I glance around with mock horror. “People are looking at us.”

She laughs, “I don’t care!”

“Well, I do! Behave yourself.”

Curtailing a scream, Sam glances over to the tray carrying our drinks closer by the footstep. Our server betrays no sign of eavesdrop or judgment. He sets down her wine glass, his spine straight.

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