Page 74 of C*cky Best Friend

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Chapter Thirty-Four


Six months later

Samantha asks, “What is Prague like?” a smile lighting her voice.

“It’s a lot colder than I would’ve thought. We were just in Athens, briefly as you know, and then we flew here. None of us were prepared for this. Ines tried to warn me, but I wouldn’t listen to her. How is Galloway?”

“She came by our studio. From the look on her face, she wasn’t impressed.”

I laugh at the image this invokes. Their dance school has been a popular addition to the community—Moms love it, Sam has told me. But she described their space in a strip mall as not glamorous, and they’re fine with that. Galloway, however, would be appalled to discover Samantha chose that over what I’m doing. “Did she have that face she makes, like she sucked a lemon for two months and hasn’t gone to the bathroom the entire time?”

Samantha’s laugh is genuine as she cries out, “That’s exactly how she looked!”

“She had that a lot during the end of our run.”

As I listen to Sam say, “I still can’t believe they didn’t hire her to stay on with you guys when the company changed musicals,” I glance over to Ines as she glares at me from the barstool I left her on. She adjusts her weight and focuses on the hot bartender as her index finger gracefully demands another drink be delivered so that she can deal with the fact that I’m talking to my American friend. Again. It’s a constant source of conflict.

Why do you need to call this girl?

I told her I would.

That’s not good enough.

She’s my best friend.

What am I?

You’re my girlfriend.

I want to be both!

I explain to Samantha, “They saw the numbers were dropping, ticket sales were blamed on her. They had to blame somebody. Plus, Guilford, the new choreographer I told you about, is super hot in Europe. They said that this production would make history and they wanted new blood. She didn’t have a chance.”

There’s a beat before Sam cautiously asks, “Was she okay with that?”

“She saw the ax coming.”

“Logan, can you hear yourself?”

I straighten my back, voice hardening. “What? This is how it is. She kept trying to breathe life into a dead show because she didn’t believe that something new would take hold like this one has. Guilford saw his chance and he took it.”

“Max and Natalie had their boy. Guess what they named him?”



It takes me a minute before I break into a laugh that’s born from relief I didn’t know I needed. The family hasn’t forgotten about me. “Are you kidding?”

“He insists it’s not because of you.”

“Max did that? I’ll reach out to him online.”

“He’ll deny it. Lexi told him it was rude since you’re so far away.”

My smile fades. “Why did she say that?”

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