The Alien Scientist

Author: Eryn Ivers
Category: Romance | Science Fiction | Fantasy | M-M Romance | Paranormal
Total pages: 117

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The Alien Scientist

Hypothesis: Hate. Experiment: Forced proximity. Results: Unexpected.
Brilliant but disgraced biologist Sazahk has one mission: rehabilitate a ruined land for a dangerous new species and win his freedom in the process. The last thing he needs is an overbearing human bodyguard who can’t tell a microscope from a telescope.
Enter Kevin Garin, ex-soldier turned reluctant escort, who’d rather be anywhere but babysitting a prickly qeshian scientist through the deadly Qeshian Dead Zone.
But between dodging corrosive ponds and ingesting toxic fungi, an unexpected chemistry bubbles between them. Yet in a galaxy teetering on the edge of war, their budding relationship faces graver threats than their own personal demons.
Can a by-the-book bodyguard and a rule-breaking scientist navigate the hazardous terrain of their own hearts? Or will the turbulent politics of warring corporate families and species states tear them apart?

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