Page 31 of The Alien Scientist

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“That said, I think we both agree that the most likely trigger was your inhalation of the spores from the fungus that cushioned your fall.”

Garin forced himself to focus on the words being formed by Sazahk’s lips instead of how those lips might feel against his own.

“Unfortunately, that means pumping your stomach is unlikely to be effective.” Sazahk tapped his fingers against those plush lips and Garin wanted to wrap his tongue around the long digits and suck. “We have probably missed any window there might have been to prevent this reaction, so our only course of action is to treat the symptoms.”

“I have a medkit in my bag.” Garin muscled his mind into focusing, but it took so much effort it left him panting. “It has medications.”

Sazahk raised a skeptical eyebrow, but dragged Garin’s pack closer and opened it. “For decreasing libido?”

Garin shook his head. “Heart rate.”

“We can use that if we have to, but like I said, your heart rate isn’t concerningly high yet. I don’t want to introduce more chemicals into your system when we don’t even know what this one is.” Sazahk pulled Garin’s medkit out, unzipped it, and flicked his eyes over the various bottles. “If your level of arousal becomes dangerous to you, then a combination of these drugs should inhibit the worst of the response. I only worry what else they might cause.”

Garin knew Sazahk was right and normally “caution” was his watchword, but the terrible need in his core made him want to tear his hair out.

“It’s possible the feeling will pass on its own, given time, as you metabolize the chemical.”

A choked sob clawed up Garin’s throat at the thought of staying like this, his cock aching and his body burning and over-sensitized.

“But I don’t want you to suffer.” Sazahk grabbed Garin’s knees and squeezed, ducking his head to catch Garin’s eye. “There may be other options. Tell me more about what you’re currently experiencing.”

Garin focused on Sazahk’s dark eyes, framed by his even darker lashes. “Like what?” Throbbing loins, blood pounding in his ears, panting, all the run-of-the-mill horny basics. But his body was acting like it had been teased for two hours by an enthusiastic and willing partner instead of climbing around in a cave with a disinterested scientist who didn’t like to be touched.

“Is the arousal an amorphous collection of physiological phenomena or is there a psychological component to it as well?”

“Psychological?” Garin felt like an idiot. Not enough of his blood flowed to his thinking head. It took all his willpower not to throw himself at Sazahk’s feet and beg him for relief, as though he were dying. He felt like he was dying.

“Do you feel urges to take specific actions, for example?” Sazahk stared into Garin’s face with such an innocent interest Garin felt like the most lecherous cretin in existence. He wanted to lie, but he couldn’t. He didn’t lie, he just didn’t, and he especially didn’t hide information from teammates.

He closed his eyes. “Yes.”

“Are these actions out of character for you or are they behaviors you might reasonably engage in under more standard amorous circumstances?” God bless Sazahk and his professional, judgment-free voice.

“Standard.” Garin had imagined all these things in the liminal space between sleeping and waking, when his mind escaped the strict confines he put on it. He’d thought of touching Sazahk’s lips, of undoing his braid, of taking those long fingers between his teeth and teasing them with his tongue like he might tease another part of Sazahk’s body that he imagined to be just as long and elegant. Garin growled and buried his own hands in his hair and pulled. “Fuck, this is torture.”

Sazahk tapped his thumbs on Garin’s knees. “Is having physical pain inflicted upon you a regular and desired component of your sex life?”

“What?” Garin frowned. “No.”

“Then don’t do it.” Sazahk untangled Garin’s fingers from his hair and pulled his hands down. “Because you’re not experiencing a desire to do anything you wouldn’t normally do, I don’t believe the spore is inciting a self-destructive act. In this case, following your instincts may be the wisest strategy. Achieving orgasm and ejaculating may ease the symptoms by taking advantage of the refractory phase of the basic male sexual arousal cycle.”

It took a few moments for Sazahk’s words to sink in and when they did, Garin’s stomach did a peculiar flip flop of excitement and panic. “Are you saying I should give in?”

“Yes.” Sazahk nodded simply. “Finding sexual satisfaction isn’t inherently dangerous. It’s the obvious potential solution and there’s no reason not to attempt it.”

No reason except that the part of Garin’s mind still capable of rational thought balked at the idea of masturbating with Sazahk near enough to hear—or god forbid, see—him and it balked harder at them separating enough to give him any privacy in a dangerous cave system with an unknown animal species creeping about.

“I recognize that this is deeply uncomfortable for you both physically and mentally and that you would likely prefer to bring yourself to orgasm with as much privacy as is reasonable, given the circumstances.” Sazahk licked his lips with every shade of green cascading over his cheekbones. “But because this is the first and only documented incident of human exposure to the spores of the fruiting body of the fungus-like mycelium organism we have discovered, I would like to register my interest in participating.”

Garin’s mind blanked.

Had Sazahk just…

“You want to get me off?”

“If you’re amenable, yes.” Sazahk’s green darkened. “I understand it’s a significant request.”

Garin couldn’t move, paralyzed between elation at the thought of Sazahk’s hands on him and horror at the elation. He wanted it so badly, but he’d wanted Sazahk for a while now and Sazahk didn’t know that. Was it worse that he wanted Sazahk even when not under the influence of an aphrodisiac fungus? Would that change Sazahk’s comfort level? Did it amount to Garin taking advantage?

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