
Author: P.S. Nail
Category: Romance | Erotic | Dark | Adult
Total pages: 144

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Sacrifice: The destruction or surrender of something for the sake of something else.
A life for a life. A soul for a soul.

What do you do when your best friend has been taken by the enemy? You kill anyone who gets in the way.
We found the facility where Luka is being held and it seems impenetrable. They have astonishing security techniques and state-of-the-art equipment. Good thing I’m the best hacker around.
Even a fortress can’t keep me out.

Agony was all I felt the night Venom took Luka from me. I didn’t want to negotiate. I didn’t want revenge. I just wanted him back. The pain was too much to bear, so I shut down—I had lost a piece of who I was, along with my will to live.
Thanks to some friends who didn’t give up on me, I’m back with a vengeance. No barrier in this world will stop me from saving my man—I will kill anyone who gets in my way.
If I have to burn the city to the ground in the process, then so be it.

Every time they torture me, I escape reality by picturing Sage. Her soft hair, her luscious lips, her sweet voice. Sometimes I don’t want to close my eyes because I’m afraid I’ll lose the last piece I have of her. My memories.
They can torture me for eternity if they want, but as long as she stays safe, I’ll never regret giving myself up. She’s worth every cut, every needle, every chunk of me they take.
She’s worth everything. Including my life.

Possible Spoilers, Tropes, and Quotes Below! Proceed With Caution . . .

It’s a challenging mission to save both vampire and human races. During this trilogy you will be happy, shocked as hell, straight up pissed off, and you might even cry a little, but when this series ends, the entire ride will be worth it!
The Argentium Vampire Hunters Trilogy is an 18+ Paranormal Romance set in present time with a 1st person, three character multi-point of view. This is book two in a trilogy. It does not end on a cliff hanger, but since the story does continue in book three, there is a lead in.

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