Page 19 of Scorned

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She squinted, reading it. “Serovenomine is used for multiple things. Mostly anxiety and depression. You won’t find anything online because it’s made by the Vampire Research Center.”

My brows shot up my forehead. “VRC makes antidepressants?”

“They do, amongst other things.” She handed me the bottle back and narrowed her curious gaze on me. “Why are you asking?”

“I was worried it might be something Sage needed.”

Steph let out a hard breath, a look of defeat plastered her face. “I already brought it up to her months ago because I knew she would need a refill way before now. She said she was fine. I respectfully disagreed with her and she kicked me out of her house.”

I rolled my eyes, contemplating heading back into Sage’s cabin and kicking her ass. “Of course she did. Where can I get more?”

“You can’t, Winston. Not unless you have access to a high security pharmacy run by Venom. But if you want to help Sage, there are other medications you can get which are comparable. They won’t contain the same ingredients as Serovenomine but people have been surviving for centuries without vampire blood.”

My eyes bulged, a sudden coldness hitting my core. “Those pills have blood in them?”

“Well, yes. The Vampire Research Center makes a few different products that contain vampire blood to help out the Venom members.”

I immediately wondered if Sage would benefit from vampire blood straight from the vein, which was more potent than anything VRC could extract. But quickly discarded the thought since I gave her blood last night and she was still in a mood.

“But there are pills that will help Sage?”

She nodded. “You’ll need a prescription, though.”

“Drag has a deal with a pharmacy. We can get whatever we need without one.”

“Oh! Let me get a pen then and I’ll write some names down.”

“A pen?” I chuckled, handing her my phone. “Type them in my notes.”

While I watched her fair-skinned fingers slowly hit each letter, I started to wonder if she actually was a vampire. Good thing I don’t age. It seemed like a lifetime passed before she handed my phone back.

“There you go.”

“Thanks, Steph.”

I let out a couple of piercing whistles to signal my friends it was time to leave. A minute later, Drag, Demetrius, and Heston appeared.

“Let’s go.” Drag headed toward the parking lot and we followed.

Since I was going to be with my friends for a while, I decided to put Sage out of my head for now and enjoy the evening.

We approached a new black F-150 Raptor that Drag had bought. With pure excitement and a hint of jealousy, I smacked the ass end of the truck. “This is much nicer than your beat up one.”

His old truck still worked after the battle, despite being dented to shit from the Venom crew crashing into it repeatedly. We now used the beater to haul stuff.

“I figured it was overdue.” Drag slid into the driver’s seat and Demetrius hopped in the back.

As I made my way to the passenger side, Heston slung the door open. “Shotgun!”

“Fuck, bro.” I hated sitting in the back.

I opened the rear passenger door and Demi patted the seat. “You wanna cuddle?” he asked in a thick Irish accent.

“Only if you’re in wolf form. I like my men furry.”

Demi laughed at my sarcasm, then I jumped in.

“Do you think we have enough room in the bed?” Heston asked. Or I should say, the Seat Stealer. I had half a thought to flick him in the back of the head.

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