Page 99 of Scorned

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“Winnie, I need you!” I dragged him toward the computer and frantically pointed at it. “This controls everything on Luka’s bed. Can you get into it?”

Winnie sniffed the air, then glanced at Luka before laying his hand on the mouse, and my heart raced as he opened up a couple programs, clicking around.

Luka’s bed made a ticking sound from the spikes lowering, then the huge metal cuffs opened up, releasing his hands. Before I even had a chance to run to him, he was already in my face.

Making sure this was real, I placed my hands against his bare chest and his strong heart beating against my palms assured me he was alive.

A whimper conjured in my throat and burst out, my heart attempting to mend itself, as Luka placed his hands on my cheeks and peered down at me. His eyes . . . his beautiful perfect eyes were bright blue again, darting across every inch of my face like he had trouble believing this was reality.

“I didn’t think I’d ever see you again, Princess.”

My nickname rolling off his lips was better than all the music in the world. A sweet serenade of love and devotion, and nothing less than pure magic.

Before I could respond, Winnie interrupted my three seconds of peace. “Copy, Jimmy.” He turned toward us, a wary expression. “We gotta go, now.”

Luka’s hands dropped from my cheeks before he headed to the cabinet, quickly grabbed a set of scrubs, and handed them to me. “Hold these.”

I wondered what the hell I needed to do with them as he grabbed a second pair, sliding the bottoms on.

“There are others being held captive here. Release all the beds and unlock the doors.”

Winnie scoffed, shaking his head at Luka. “We don’t have time to save them all.”

“Release them so they at least have a chance!” Luka’s voice rang loud over the still blaring alarms.

Winnie hesitated for mere seconds before he turned back to the computer. My eyes went to Luka, watching him put the scrub top on, and I couldn’t help but notice his body was back to normal size.

By the time Luka adjusted his shirt, Winnie had finished.

“All the doors are open, and just so you know, I think this is a bad idea.” Winnie clicked his ear piece. “Kill the damn alarm, Jimmy.” A second of silence as Jimmy answered. “Yeah, I know we’ll lose some of it, just do it anyway. We gotta get the fuck out of here so I need those doors opened too.”

The alarms stopped, leaving my ears buzzing in the quietness.

Luka grabbed my free hand and I tucked the extra scrubs close to my side. We stepped around the dead guy before entering the hallway.

“Carmen?” Luka called out.

Not hearing a response, I wondered who he sought as he dragged me down to the last door and opened it, pulling me inside. I glanced over my shoulder into the hall at Winnie and he shrugged, shaking his head.

“Carmen?” Luka repeated.

As I worried about him possibly still being delirious, a naked girl with thick curly hair stood, appearing from behind the table. Her skin was a deep, warm taupe, her eyes dark brown, conveying the worry she had as her gaze bounced between us.


“It’s okay. These are my friends.” Luka let go of my hand, taking the scrubs from me and handing them to Carmen. “Put them on and follow us.”

“Incoming,” Winnie hollered, and I went to peek my head into the hallway to check on him and I’m glad I didn’t get far enough. Bullets flew by right after Luka yanked me away from the door, shutting it all but a sliver.

I pulled my Beretta from my holster and pushed him aside.

Laying my back flat against the wall, I kept my gun pointed to the ground as I peeked out the crack, barely seeing Winnie in the dark room across the hall. He held up two fingers and pointed in the direction the bullets came from.

I inched the door a little more and saw two guards armed with AR-15s, slowly making their way toward us, checking every room.

Since the guard on the opposite side of the hall was ahead of the other guard, he would approach Winnie’s room first.

My gaze went back to Winnie and he pointed to him, held up one finger, pointed to me and held up two fingers again, then he ducked down into the shadows.

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