Page 128 of Scorned

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“Fuck you, Finneas!” Luka snarled, his fists balled to his side.

Another snarl filled the night sky and I shuddered when I realized it came from my uncle. He left his mouth wide open as he panted.

Even though I’d learned about him being a new species that we were unfamiliar with, reality hit when I noticed his fangs. Like all vampires, Ben’s two canines had elongated . . . but next to those were two sharp incisors. Four fangs ready to strike at a moment’s notice.

With his growl, the van unloaded another five people, each of them marching their way to stand beside Ben.

Winnie sniffed the air. “Those are fucking hybrids.” There was a tinge of fear in his voice I’d never heard from him before.

My gaze darted across the hybrids guarding my uncle, before it went to the Venom members with my father. They seemed confused by the situation, and I immediately realized they had no clue what was going on. They were mere pawns being used for a sinister game.

Another black Venom van skidded into the parking lot, slinging rocks. Erik and Lyric jumped out, both carrying AR’s. When Lyric noticed my uncle, her gaze darted to me, her eyes wide. She stood next to Winnie and raised her gun, pointing it at Ben.

“Holy fuck,” Erik muttered from the other side of Luka before locking his gun in the same direction.

Engines roared and tires screeched as the rest of my friends arrived. Zeke and Marcus exited first and ran toward us, pistols ready, and I had no idea where Drag was.

Ravage and Peach got out of the other van, leisurely strolling toward us. She stopped in front of me, hands on her hips. “Hello, gentlemen,” she snickered, “and Finneas. Did you miss me, old friend?”

Finneas’ face twisted with fear, revealing just how terrifying Peach could truly be.

His fingers nervously smoothed down the front of his dark suit jacket, his attempt to appear composed, but falling slightly short. “Ah, Heather, when did you start associating with wanted criminals?”

“Since the day you decided to ruin everything I built from the ground up.” She shook her head. “Mixing Save with Venom was never in my plan. You went against your own kind and must be punished.”

Ravage tsked. “Do you want me to kill him for you, Peach?”

“No,” she answered sharply, before raising her finger toward Finneas. “That kill is mine.”

“Kill her!” Finneas screamed, and the hybrids all lifted their guns.

Peach didn’t even flinch. “At my age, it would take a thousand bullets to take me down.”

A door slammed shut and I caught sight of a naked Drag seconds before he shifted into a large wolven. The second his gray paws hit the ground, he howled, the haunting sound making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

The forest unleashed a menacing presence as wolven, some with red fur, others with black or gray, along with one white, prowled out. Their snarls and snaps echoed, creating an eerie symphony as they took up roost behind Drag.

Two enormous wolven—one black, the other red—took their places on either side of Drag. It became clear that these three were the alphas of their packs.

My uncle locked gazes with me, attempting to make me shrivel in terror once more. But this was a war, and he had once told me something I would never forget.

There is no room for fear during a battle.

I grinned arrogantly, ready to take on the challenge. “Your move, uncle.”

With speed I’ve only seen from a vampire, he grabbed my father from behind and locked his arm across his throat, pinning him against him. “Do you actually think you can control this situation? The destiny? I’ve been controlling everything that has happened.”

He raised his gun to my dad’s head and my heart stopped.

Of course, I was still angry with my father for everything that happened since my induction night, but I didn’t want him dead.

“Every play made has been done with my approval,” Ben continued, his voice confident and unwavering. “From you killing that arrogant vampire to Sorin waiting to kill Luka. If you wouldn’t have been there, he’d be dead, and none of this would be happening! You’ve repeatedly fucked up my plans.”

Luka growled, along with at least half of the wolves.

“Did . . . did you send Mannie to kill me?”

Ben’s eyes betrayed him, answering my question when they darted to Finneas.

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