Page 90 of Scorned

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Ravage let out a hard sigh and clicked his tongue. “Naomi could only get two and since there’s five of you humans, I left them in the van figuring y’all could fight over who got to wear them. But since finding out you and Lyric both ingested vampire blood, your chances of survival are pretty high. So I gave one to Erik because it wasn’t big enough for Marcus or Zeke. And that leaves one more, but neither of them will give in and wear the damn thing.”

“Like I said, I’m not taking it,” Marcus stated firmly. “Zeke has a wife and a baby waiting for him. He needs to wear the damn vest.”

“You need to not tell me what to do!”

“We don’t have time for you two to be arguing, but he’s right. You have a family that needs you.” Ravage handed the second vest to Zeke who scowled when he took it, his deep brown eyes locking on Marcus.

“If you get killed, I will never stop blaming myself, even though you’re the one being an idiot.” Zeke took his jacket off and slid on the bulletproof vest with a huff.

I’d never been nervous about much in my life, but my chest tightened as I reentered the Venom van, taking a seat on the left bench along the wall, right behind the driver’s seat. Lynx sat next to me at the end of the bench closest to the door, and Ravage across from us, right in the middle.

Naomi had acquired three pairs of Venom-issued handcuffs lined with spikes around the inside and made of genuine silver—one of our few weaknesses. I’d woken before the sun rose and sawed the tips off so they wouldn’t actually injure us, but would give the illusion the guards had properly restrained us.

Erik went to handcuff a pair on me, but I stopped him. “Hold on, bro.”

Wanting for us to look as legit as possible, I elongated my fangs and raised my two first fingers to my mouth, piercing them. I smudged the blood from my fingertips onto my wrists to make it look like the spikes actually punctured my skin.

“That’s genius, boy.” Ravage said, then he and Lynx followed suit.

Erik latched the cuffs onto my wrists before fastening another pair around my ankles, securing me to the van.

Lyric squeezed in between the two front seats and laid a kiss on me before taking the driver’s seat.

Sage looked over her shoulder from the passenger seat, eyeing me. “Fucking bloodsucker.”

I cocked a brow. “What the hell was that for?”

“I’m getting into my part as a Venom member again. I was using Erik’s persona before he went rogue.”

I laughed and Erik scoffed, taking a seat between me and Lynx. Marcus and Zeke quickly hopped into the back with us, shutting the door behind them, then they took their respective spots on either side of Ravage.

“Alright, mama. Get us there safely.”

Lyric flashed a nervous smile at me in the rearview mirror, started up the van, and began ascending the mountain. We were only a quarter of the way up when she turned onto a rather sketchy road that ultimately led us to a dead end, causing her to slow down.

“Don’t let up on the gas,” Ravage said, leaning forward and peering through the front windshield. “It’ll seem like you’re going to run into the side of the mountain, but Shayla told me the entrance will unveil itself once the second set of wards recognize us as safe.”

With the mountain rapidly approaching, my eyes remained fixed on it, awaiting the entrance to show. “This is sketchy as fuck. Are you sure about this?”

Before Ravage could answer me, the side of the mountain flickered as if the sun shone on, then the illusion dropped, revealing a half moon shaped entrance.

“Holy shit.”

“They have cameras,” Sage whispered, and I barely saw a few dim light fixtures clinging to the cave walls before I sat back.

Lyric rolled the window down.

“Paperwork?” a guard commanded, his voice old and husky.

Sage handed Lyric a folder and she passed it along to him.

“You got three bloodsuckers at once? Great job. Pull on through, following the signs directing you to dock three, and give Randal your folder. He’ll escort you to decontamination.”

“Yes, sir.”

Lyric continued on the smooth road of the cave for about three minutes before she stopped again.

“Back it in,” a man said, sounding a little younger than the last guy.

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