Page 102 of Scorned

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We finally made it outside, and our friends stood guard next to the Jeep and a black Venom van, surrounded by more dead bodies.

We were only ten feet away when Marcus coughed up blood, spewing it down the front of him.

“Marcus!” Zeke ran toward us in a panic. “Why haven’t you given him blood?

“No blood,” Marcus choked out, before going limp.

“No!” Sage screamed, the piercing sound vibrating to my core.

“Zeke, grab his feet!” I commanded, and he did, making it a lot quicker to get Marcus to the van.

It took the strength of Zeke, Ravage, Winnie, and myself to hoist him into it. That was when the exhaustion settled in my bones.

“Load up!” Ravage yelled.

Lynx jumped in the driver’s seat of the van and Lyric in the passenger. Winnie and Zeke got in the back, and Sage stood there, staring at her hands.

Ravage shoved Carmen in the back seat of the Jeep and hollered, “Grab her, boy, and come on.”

I did what Ravage said and pulled Sage toward her car. “I’ll drive.”

After pushing her to the passenger side, she handed me the keys. I ran and opened the driver’s door, and stopped.

Sage had her gaze locked on the van.

Damn it.

Chapter 29


My father figure, my dad, was bleeding to death, refusing to feed off any vampire, and all I could do was stare at my blood-soaked hands as they trembled.

Luka stood on the driver’s side of the Jeep, his eyes locked on mine. “Get in the car!”

My gaze went from him to the van when Zeke screamed, “My brother is dying!”

Glancing back at Luka, I had to make a hard decision.

Get in the van with Marcus, who may be dead before I see him again, or go with the man I love. Shit.

“I have to go with Marcus! I’m sorry.” I sprinted toward the van just as Winnie was about to shut the door.

He held it for me until I jumped in. Lynx slammed the gas and I almost fell out the back, then Winnie pulled me inside before shutting the door.

“Someone do something,” Zeke screamed.

Squeezing past him, I kneeled next to Marcus, my eyes meeting Winnie’s with a pleading question.

He shook his head. “I can’t do it, Sage.”

“You can’t or won’t?”

“It’s too late now. He’ll turn and he’ll be pissed because he doesn’t want this. He said it repeatedly and even refused Ravage’s blood at the hotel before we even left!”

“You have to,” I whimpered, and then the words Shayla said to Marcus played in my head.

For the sake of the prophecy and everyone involved, I hope he chooses wisely. A soul like yours is too rare to lose.

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