Page 76 of Scorned

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Ignoring Heston, I looked back at Lyric. Normally, she braided her hair on both sides, but tonight it cascaded down her back in loose waves. She turned slightly, her eyes catching mine, and they locked like magnets, pulling our souls together, not allowing either of us to look away.

She sensually moved her body to the music, running her fingers through her dark chestnut locks. The way she swayed her hips sent blood rushing to my cock and it hardened.

I leaned back slightly, pushing my hand against the front of my jeans, begging it to stop.

The more it throbbed the more I wanted to throw her over my shoulder and carry her back to the cabin caveman style.

The aroma of sweet lilacs radiated off her and hit like a ton of bricks, almost causing me to fall off the wooden log I was sitting on.

“Damn,” Demi said in a low tone. “These scents are gonna kill me.”

More like I’m gonna to kill you.

Jealousy continued to build within me, resulting in a low growl escaping my throat. Looking at Demi and Heston, my mouth fell open and my fangs involuntarily extended, a loud hiss leaving me.

“Winston!” Ravage yelled in his “stop fucking around” tone. “I may not be your origin, but he’s not here to keep you under control. Handle your shit, boy, before I handle it for you.”

I tightened my jaw, my stare traveling to him.

Ravage glared back, completely unfazed by me. Being a burly vampire who was much older than me, I knew damn well he’d beat my ass.

A few seconds later, I took a deep breath, attempting to push down my feelings before I relented with a nod.

When my gaze went back to Lyric, she tilted her head, seemingly concerned. Not being able to take it anymore, I jumped up and headed toward her.

“Are you okay?” she asked, and instead of answering, I grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the bonfire, heading straight for the forest.

Once far enough away, I stopped, releasing her from my grip.

“Why are we here?”

“You can’t do that, Lyric!”

Clouds filled the night sky, creating a darker atmosphere than usual at three in the morning. Even though she had difficulty seeing me, my vampire vision allowed me to see her confused expression.

“Do what?”

“Dance seductively next to a bonfire in front of a bunch of vamps and wolves who can smell the lust radiating off you from a damn mile away let alone ten damn feet!”

Her face angered. “What do you expect, Winston? Just because I’m mad at you doesn’t mean I don’t want you anymore. You think I’m supposed—”

Without hesitation, I laid one hand on the back of her head, the other on her lower back, and yanked her toward me, the rest of her words got sucked into my mouth when it locked on hers.

In the heat of the moment, our hands grabbed and pulled at clothes, hair, anything in the way of our lust. I slowly backed her against a tree, my mouth still angrily consuming hers.

She slid her hands up my shirt, running her gentle fingers across my abs. I sucked in a breath and her lure seeped into my nose, filling my lungs with a much needed dose of what I’d been missing.

When she dropped her hands to my pants and unbuttoned my jeans, I grabbed her wrists, halting her. “What are we doing?”

Her chest rose and fell quickly, panting for air. She shook her head, pulling her hands out of my grip. “I don’t know, but it’s frustrating.”

“What do I have to do to fix this? Do you want an apology?”

She shook her head again. “I . . . I don’t know.”

My eyes traveled over her face. Even in the darkness, it was beyond beautiful.

“I’m truly sorry I lied to you. I really didn’t have a choice.”

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