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Suddenly teaching her a lesson seemed less important than knowing why he was so special and why she would use me or think she could. “For all I know, Danny could be the father. You told me yourself that you wanted to show him what he’d lost by letting you go, that tel s me you

still have some feelings for him. What I can’t understand is why you're so dead set on ruining my family and stealing from us, me, and Danny if you love him so much.”

I got no answer, she wasn’t looking at me and appeared to not be listening either. “They will be stopping by tonight, I know Sienna knows and I am going to talk to her about it, I don’t want my brother knowing yet, at least until I figure all this out. You’d better be prepared to give me answers soon or you won’t be leaving when this time is up.”

I left her sitting on the bed, felt my anger towards her for wanting Danny, even after the time we shared. I had no feelings for her, but I was a proud man, and she was the first woman who didn't choose me over him. It stung like hell.

Danny and Sienna stopped by not long after my conversation with her. “Wes, I am so glad you invited us over. I have to talk to Eloise right away.” Sienna was all smiles, and Shawn’s words kept ringing in my ears. I watched every move she made, assessing a woman that up until this point was the epitome of perfect character.

“I need to talk to you alone for a moment. Don’t worry brother, I won't steal her from you.”

Danny laughed. “You couldn’t even if you tried, right cara mia?”

“Yes love.”

We moved to my office. I didn't care at this point if Danny talked to Eloise, she was nothing to me, or at least I told myself, but my mind kept wandering to them as I talked with Sienna. “So, I found the pregnancy test in the bathroom before I left Danny’s house, I know about Eloise’s pregnancy.”

Sienna looked shocked. “Wes, I am so sorry you had to find out that way. I told her she needed to tell you, that you should know considering it would affect your family. She told me she wasn’t sure what she wanted to do yet about the baby.”

I nodded my head. “I figured as much; we haven’t spoken to each other much yet. She seems to have clammed up. What I am really looking to know right now is if she mentioned anything to you about the father? Also does Danny know?”

Sienna looked thoughtful; her legs curled up beneath her as she sat on the leather couch across from me. “No, I promised her I wouldn’t tell him. And not to my knowledge. If I can pry it out of her though I will be sure to come to you first. You don’t think you're the father?”

“No. Although Shawn was here, he checked her out after she fainted and confirmed the pregnancy and approximate time of conception, so it is possible it’s mine but then again, it’s possible she was with someone right before me.”

Sienna visibly shivered. “Well, I have to say I don’t like that man, your friend Shawn, he’s always been rather cold to me.” She laughed. “Not that I’m implying you should give up the friendship. Danny has many friends, a few I don’t like but that’s his choosing. If it is someone else's baby, I will find out for you.”

She smiled then and looked at my lips while licking hers. I was taken aback. “Are you okay Sienna?”

She looked at me. “Oh, yes. Sorry, you have always had the most alluring lips. Forgive me for saying that as Danny wouldn’t like it but at times, I’ve wondered what they would feel like against mine, do forgive me.” She had the audacity to laugh then as she got up and hurried to the door.

I couldn’t believe my ears as she left. I kept that little tidbit of information to myself but wondered if she and Danny were having trouble in the bedroom or maybe they were having more fun than I was.

That one moment and her words to me about Shawn changed things dramatically for me. It took but one insane moment of revelation to realize something wasn’t quite as I thought it was originally.

After that I watched Sienna closely. The more I watched as we talked, the more I listened, my eyes were opened. She was fake, something about her was off, she smiled and laughed way too much, she always seemed to be assessing the environment and the people around her.

I was astounded how I’d never noticed these things, so smitten was I by what appeared to be her good nature and proper upbringing that I didn't see.

She went to Eloise’s room for a time, while I talked with Danny, I wondered what was going on behind that closed door.

Chapter Fourteen


Sienna showed up, cheerful and acting as if nothing bad was happening. She closed the door quickly behind her and got comfortable on the bed. “Goodness, I can’t believe Wes knows.

Damned test, we should have buried it in the backyard, but I was so anxious to get out of there when you were sick. You poor thing, this is going to ruin things between you and him unless you play your cards right.”

She was acting like we were good friends, and in this whole charade together. I didn’t know what she was about, but I knew I had to find out as quickly as possible. For the time being I had to play along. I reached for my phone and innocently hit record again hoping to capture anything useful during our time together since all her actions were ending up on my shoulders.

I knew she was a horrible person at this point, the miserable things she was going to do to Danny, Wes and their family was unforgivable. I may not have all the puzzle pieces together but knowing what I knew, about how Wes felt about me I was going to make sure they knew before the wedding day came. For the time being I would play along.

“What do you mean?” I tossed my phone on the shelf across the room and sat beside it hoping it wasn’t too far away to capture her voice. I was getting hungry and knew sooner or later I would have to show my face to Wes.

I’d spoken to Danny briefly when he knocked and came into the room. It was hard to not pour my heart out to him, he’d always been such an understanding man, giving, kind and respectful unlike his brother Wes. I ended up tel ing him I wasn’t feeling wel and needed to lie down for a bit.

Sienna leveled me with a look. ‘What I mean is, you have to make this work to your advantage, find a way to blackmail Wes so you can get what you want. You would be stupid not to do that.

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