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You either want to take everything you can from him and marry him, or you want to take everything you can from him and rake him over the coals, so you put that baby up for adoption like I am going to do in Mexico. That’s it! We can do it together! Oh, my goodness, why didn't I think of this, Eloise! This is perfect!” She was close to yelling then. “We can work together, become partners, we steal stuff from them together and sell it to the pawn shop, then when we are done, we can both break away and head for Mexico. We can sell our babies once they are born, God knows I don’t want to do this pregnancy alone, and then we can make money off them and live a rich life! Wouldn’t that be great!”

She was by far the craziest woman I’d ever met but I didn't dare say anything, looked down at my hands, and hoped my silence would prove acceptable for the time being. Not only was she up to no good but she suddenly wanted to take me with her too like we were kindred spirits.

She laughed then. “Oh, you poor thing! Don’t worry about this, we will work out all the details over the next week. I know you're probably feeling out of sorts, finding out you're pregnant, I know I was. This is the perfect plan, I will situate everything, and you will see, we can do this together. I am so happy to have a partner now. Who needs men right?” She crackled up.

“Forget Danny and Wes, forget Luis, we can find better men in Mexico when we're rich!”

I kept my mouth shut and tried my best to ignore the nausea in my stomach that came on suddenly. It didn't work. “I think I’m going to be sick again.” I ran to the bathroom assuming it was only going to get worse from here considering it was so early in the pregnancy yet and I was already feeling terrible.

“I have to go dear, I’m sorry, I’m awful at sickness but when you're better we wil talk again.” I was thankful despite my sickness when I heard her close the door and there was silence again.

I stayed in bed the rest of the time. Wes checked in on me periodically but said little because I ignored him and said nothing. The only thing I wanted to do was go home at this point and suddenly my agenda changed from retrieving what was mine from Danny to just leaving him and his family alone forever.

I had to find a way out, and I had to do it before the next conversation Sienna, and I had. She was bad news and somehow, I was going to be roped into whatever game she was playing whether I liked it or not.

I had yet to listen to the recordings on my phone, but they were there. Every time I tried to listen to them it felt like the wrong time. The house was too quiet, Wes was right down the hall, Danny showed up.

I kept to myself over the next few days, determined to avoid Wes and whatever talks he wanted to have. I was done with him, even though every night my body ached to be in his arms, and I missed his touch I knew it would never be the same.

I stayed in my room, only coming out to eat and avoided him as much as possible. A few days went by before he showed up in my room late at night and sat on the chair across from my bed.

My back was turned away from him, and I tried my best to ignore him, but it was impossible. I wanted his touch, needed it like a drug. I wanted to cry out his name and beg him to come to me.

He must have sensed my need, after a long silence he was there in bed beside me. “I know we have a lot to talk about. I don’t know who the father is, and you may or may not be telling the truth but right now I just want you so bad. I don’t know what’s come over me, but I need you, and want you. There is something about you Eloise, every night I dream about it. It’s crazy. I can’t trust you at all, and I know you're a horrible woman, but I want you right now. It’s just sex,

I know but we are here together, for a while anyway, what do you say we use each other for our own physical selfish needs?”

I should have been angry by his words, they rubbed me the wrong way. He had everything wrong and didn't even know it. His words hurt so much, his assumptions about the woman I was, who I was and what I was about should have been a turn off, but I didn't care. I wanted and needed him as much as he did me.

Somewhere deep inside I gloried in the fact he still wanted and needed me despite his incorrect opinions about me as a woman. My heart ached, my body desired and my mind didn't care anymore.

I turned to him, feeling tears I didn't understand wel up in my eyes. “Yes, I need and want you too, Wes. It’s wrong I know this, but I have needs and wants and we are together for now so let’s make the most of it for a little while.”

He smiled, then kissed me tenderly. “I won’t do anything that makes you feel sick or bad.”

I laughed. “You're not going to break me. And right now, I don’t feel sick, just sad because of how you think of me.”

His eyes softened a little, he frowned then smiled a little. “I’m sorry for that. Let me love you so we both forget.”

I closed my eyes and let my own desire and passion win the night. It wasn’t long before I was on fire. His hands and lips everywhere, his body pressed tightly to mine. I wanted to be close, no matter how close we were it wasn’t enough. I wrapped my legs around him, pul ed him tightly to me as he rocked his hips back and forth to press his shaft against me.

His skin felt like fire to my hands, and I couldn't stop touching him, squeezing, licking, and biting.

I nibbled his ear, bit his shoulder, and tasted the saltiness of his skin. I ran my foot up and down his muscular legs and pulled his ass to grind his body against mine.

“God I could never get enough of this Eloise, you're like the most potent drug on this earth. I want to fuck you over and over again until neither of us can move.” HIs eyes were intent, focused solely on me as I rocked up against him in invitation, my nipples hard, my body begging.

I didn't care what he did as long as he didn’t stop. “Take me now Wes, I feel like I am going to lose my mind with want for you. I want you inside me NOW!”

I lost control, the wetness between my legs proved I was more than ready. We were both naked now, I gripped his shaft between my fingers. If he wasn’t going to fuck me and kept toying with me, I was prepared to do the same.

“I gripped him hard; his groan of pleasure made me feel weak inside, but I kept going. I let my fingers play, tasted the saltiness of him from my finger as he watched and ran my fingers delicately over the top of his shaft.

“You're going to kill me, you know this, Eloise.” I continued to play, fondle and grope, then gave him a hard shove so he rolled to his back. I was on him fast, straddling him, hovered above his shaft, I smiled.

I tasted him, heard the harsh inhale of air into his lungs as his legs spread a little and his legs rose so I could take more of him. Delighted by the outcome of my daring action I tasted, stroked, and loved him with everything I had, delighting in every cry, moan, and shudder of pleasure he felt.

I watched, and waited, his hands pressed hard to hold my hips as he tried to thrust himself up. I stroked and fondled a bit more, giving him a taste of his own medicine and locked eyes with him.

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