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I know she’s been stealing from his house, don’t say anything to him though. I have yet to divulge why it is because I am not sure what to do about it.”

“You know this for a fact?” Shawn was skeptical of everything and everyone.

“Yes and no, she admitted it and she knew where my family heirloom ring was, at a pawn shop.

She admitted everything that day, that’s why she’s here. I decided rather than call the police and have her arrested, which I don’t want to see happen, I figured she can learn a lesson by being my housekeeper and maid for a few weeks.”

“So, you slept with her?” Shawn was smiling.

“Yes, but by the time all this happened I’d already slept with her a few times, at Danny’s engagement party. Speaking of which, how come you weren’t there?”

Shawn shook his head in disgust. “I was going to, but I was on call, AND I don’t care for Sienna. Something about her is fake, I can’t put my finger on it, but she seems two faced like she’d throw anyone under the bus to get what she wants. Frankly I can’t understand what Danny sees in her other than that beautiful face and body.”

I was stunned to hear Shawn talk about Sienna that way, she seemed so nice, and everyone seemed to really like her. “Well, that’s reason enough, isn’t it?”

“Not real y, I prefer a woman with a bit more character, charm, and wittiness, not someone that thinks life revolves around appearances, but who am I to say. Well, I gave her some vitamins she needs to take, she seems healthy and did not report any health issues to me that would affect the baby so she should be good for the next couple weeks until she sees her own doctor.”

He shoved off after that, something about a leggy blonde who was waiting on him. I couldn’t get his words out of my head after he left. Everyone I’d met so far liked Sienna, she and Danny were set to stop by later. I had to find a way to convince Eloise to keep her pregnancy quiet for now, even though Sienna knew about it. We needed to talk.

I knocked on the door. “Eloise, can I come in?” The dynamics of relationship, friendship, whatever it was were different now. I was still angry as could be, but I needed to give her some space until I figured out what was really going on.

“Yes.” Her voice sounded weak, soft, and quiet. When I opened the door, she was sitting on the edge of the bed, her face red from tears, her eyes swollen.

“Are you okay?”

“No, I’m not okay. And what do you care? You think I am nothing but this awful person who wants to hurt you, Danny, and your family. I want to go home now. I want out of here, and you can’t keep me. Certainly, I can’t do any of the work you want, and you can forget sleeping together again. I don’t care what our bargain or deal was, you want to have a pregnant woman arrested then go ahead.”

Her voice broke off halfway through the sentences, it pulled on the few heart strings I had. I had to protect my family at all costs, I wouldn’t let anyone rob me or my brother again and considering I didn't know what she was really thinking she was going to stay with me for the time being.

I chose to play my cards right, stay quietly in the game until someone slipped up and all was revealed. I kept my voice level even though I was ready to murder her. I wanted to wring her neck, and yet I wanted to kiss her swollen pink lips tenderly and wash away all the suffering she was going through.

It was a madness the way I felt, like nothing I’d ever experienced before. Here I stood in front of a woman who’d wronged me and my family, she was the worst kind of woman in my eyes, beautiful and yet deceitful and a gold-digging thief. I knew all this and yet I wanted her, and it wasn’t just because she looked like Alexandra Newton anymore, it was all her.

Every caress, every whisper, every scream, and cry of my name. Every touch, every moment I’d been with her in bed and elsewhere so far infuriated me in both a good way and bad.

“You don’t have to do anything around here anymore, and I don’t expect you to sleep with me anymore, considering….” That last part hurt more than the rest. I wanted her badly, even now knowing what I knew but I also had to respect her as a pregnant woman even if she was an awful person.

She looked at me then, hopeful. “So, I can go home?”

“No, until we talk, until I know everything about all this you are here with me for the time being.

Make yourself at home, get comfortable, eat, sleep, watch TV, whatever and we will talk for the remainder of the time you are here. I want to ask you something.”

She must have been surprised by what I said, her eyes were big and round, she looked scared when I sat down next to her. “What do you want to ask me?”

“If Sienna knows, is she going to keep your secret or does Danny know now too?”

“She will keep my secret.”

I nodded my head. “I don’t trust you, never have, not then, and certainly not now but you will pay your penance for what you’ve done to my family the way I choose. I am choosing to be nice to you since you are pregnant, but you must remain here, if not I will call the authorities, pregnant or not I won’t hesitate.”

She was crying again; I knew she wanted to go home but I couldn’t let her yet. I needed to get to the bottom of everything before she left, especially if I couldn’t use her to my advantage. I knew that wasn’t the only reason, I wasn’t ready to let her go yet but I couldn’t tell her yet.

“You're an awful man. You deserve to be punished, assuming you know so much about me and my character. The awful things you think of me, even now thinking I would lie to you about my pregnancy. We slept together so many times I can’t imagine how you think I would be physically able to touch another man. You believe me to be an awful woman, one day you will regret that, Wes. Now leave me alone.”

She was emotional, I remembered from other family members that women tended to get touchy and overly emotional from all the hormonal changes that were happening to them during the first trimester.

I stood up, not ready to leave but not wanting to upset her further. I wanted to stay, know more, question, talk and perhaps break through her wall of deceit to find out why she’d chosen my family and why she thought I should believe her when I knew she always had a thing for Danny.

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