The Virgin and the Head of Security

Author: Olivia Sinclair
Category: Romance
Total pages: 13

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The Virgin and the Head of Security

Joe's always had a special affection for his boss's talkative daughter. But now it's either love her or lose her...


Something’s dimmed Nira’s smile. When I press her, she says some guy doesn’t love her back, and she needs a fresh start. What idiot could refuse Nira’s heart? As head of security for her dad’s company and Nira’s former bodyguard, I’m pissed that this happened under my nose without me knowing about it.

I’m ready to pound this loser until it turns out the idiot is me. It’s true, I wasn’t thinking about her that way. But now that I am, I can’t stop. She’s always been mine to keep safe, now I’m adding loving her hard to the list. I damn well don’t trust anyone else to do it right.

I’m trying too hard — even Joe says so. He doesn’t know I’m talking about getting him to notice that I’ve grown up. It was something of a long shot anyway, so I’m not mad at him. I’m the one that went and fell in love with the grumpy older man.

Out of the blue, Joe fits the pieces together. Next thing I know, he’s informing me we’re getting married in secret and he’s going to keep me safe. But I can’t shake the feeling that he’s simply indulging me. Not that I’m complaining, exactly.

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