Page 24 of The Mix-Up

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“Let’s find out.” He led me toward them, and I wormed my way through a small space to take a peek. A large gaming table had everyone’s attention. A man stood at the top and threw a pair of dice. The crowd groaned again. “Maybe it’s time to change the energy,” said Colton, pushing my hair off my shoulder. “Do you want to place a bet?”

I shook my head. “I’ve no idea what I’m doing in this game.”

“Often, that’s the best time to play. Beginner’s luck and all.”

I looked at the faces of those around me. I’d no desire to make them groan again because of something I'd rolled. “Maybe something less communal and more one-on-one.”

“Ah, I think I’ve got it.” He led me away from the large craps table and toward a smaller, semi-circular one.

“Have you ever played Black Jack?”

“No. But I know how it’s played.”

“Great. Take a seat.”

“Colton, no. I couldn’t. I didn’t even bring cash.”

He smiled and dropped a fifty on the table. “You can pay me back later,” he said.

“What if I mess everyone up?”

“I’ll take the seat at the end, the anchorman position. That’s the only one anyone remarks upon. You’ll be safe beside me.” I believed him.

“It’s a cold deck,” said a player to the right of me. Having no idea what it meant, I replied. “Then let’s hope it warms up.”

He smiled and turned to the dealer. “Let her cut the cards.”

The dealer hands me a card and signals to the deck. I turned to Colton, ready to bail. He placed his hand on my fingers and said, “Just place the card anywhere in the deck.”

I nodded and moved my hand to cut the cards. “I would have brought it up closer,” said Colton in a low voice.

“What?” I shrieked.

He laughed and rubbed my thigh. “Relax. I’m just messing with you.”

“Not funny, Colton.”

His smile dropped and his eyes heated. “God. I didn’t know I had a kink for you saying my name.”

I blushed and turned over my card. It was a two. The card showing on the table was a king. I scanned the other cards on the table. Threes, fours, and sixes.

The first player at our table asked for a card. It was a seven. “Hit me again,” said the player. This time the dealer turned over a three. “I’ll stand.”

The player next to me had a similar run.

I peeked at my card again. I only had twelve in total. I needed twenty-one, but so far no other face cards except for my king had come out. If I asked for a card and it was a king, queen, or jack, it would be game over for me. That much I knew.

“I’ll stay,” I said.

Colton raised his eyebrow. “Are you sure?”

I nodded and looked down at his card. He showed a six on the table.

“All right,” he said, then to the dealer, “Hit me.”

The dealer turned over the next card. Queen of Spades. “Damn it,” cursed Colton, and turned over his hand. He held the Jack of Diamonds.

“You should have held on sixteen, dude,” said the man beside me.

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