Page 23 of The Mix-Up

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He swung his head toward me. “Hey—” He seemed to stop mid-sentence and run his hand over his lips. “Wow. You look amazing.”

I wanted to point to the dress and say ‘this old thing’ but knew it was too close to the truth to be funny. So, I thanked him instead.

“Are you going to tell me where we’re headed?”

He held my hand as we walked toward a red sports car parked out front. “Not yet,” he said, opening my car door.

When he sat inside, he turned to look at me and bit his lip. “You’re dangerous, you know that? I may go to jail tonight for beating the guys off of you.”

I laughed and shook my head. “That’s one of the worst lines I’ve ever heard.”

“All right, Ms. Grady. I will work to improve my game. Now, let’s see if you’ve got any.”

He pulled out of the circular driveway and onto the road. I watched the homes we drove past through the passenger window and imagined what it would be like to live in something so big and luxurious. Did the people inside even realize what they had? Did they appreciate it? Or were they thinking of their next purchase?

A few minutes later, Colton pulled onto a dark road, and fear reared its familiar head. “Where are we?” I asked, my fingers splayed on my chest. I reached for my neck, wanting to pull down my collar to help me breathe, but there was nothing there strangling me except for my own thoughts.

“Colton?” I whispered, staring at the dark forest and darkened pathway. When he didn’t respond and the road didn’t lighten, I panicked.

I was transported to a memory from my past to a place I never wished to return to again. It was dark and cramped and I was scared. I screamed his name, over and over again, but he never came. No one did. Not for a very long time.

“Colton, turn around. I want to go back. Where are you taking me?” I shouted.

“Hey,” he soothed, reaching for my hand that now tore at the skin on my neck. I couldn’t breathe.

“Ava. What’s wrong?” he asked, bringing my hand on top of his thigh.

A tiny light glimmered ahead, and my chest loosened. “We’re here,” he said, pulling up to the top of the road. Bright lights illuminated an enormous parking lot. So many lights now that I squinted. I read the blinking sign: CASINO.

After parking the car, Colton turned off the engine but didn’t get out. Instead, he faced me and held my hand. “What happened back there?” His brow furrowed as he waited.

I swallowed. Humiliated and still a little scared, tears brimmed my eyes, but I held them back. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize,” he said, staring at my face. His intense look prodded at my armor, but it was still well in place. “Do you want to turn back?”

“No.” I shook my head. “It was silly. Sometimes dark places trigger me. I’m fine,” I said, sounding the opposite of fine.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes.” I squeezed his hand and opened my car door. I couldn’t stand being in the closed car any longer. He led me toward the entrance, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I closed my eyes and allowed his warmth to comfort me. I smiled. I didn’t know how much I needed someone’s gentle touch until it was on me. Wrapping my arm around his waist, I squeezed my thanks.

He pulled open the glass front door and immediately the sound of machines ringing and voices shouting surrounded us. Hundreds of people gathered in one large room. It reminded me of a giant arcade, but with better lighting and staff walking around with free sodas and water.

“Where should we start? Do you like cards, dice, or slots?” asked Colton.

“Um. Not sure. I’ve only ever played the slot machines before.”

“Well, let’s make this weekend about us discovering new things. Shall we?” He walked me through the narrow rows of slot machines.

“Since it’s your first time, I’ll go easy on you,” he whispered in my ear, and goosebumps formed along my arms.

“You don’t have to curb your pleasure on my account,” I told him, afraid I was holding him back.

“Sweetheart, my pleasure is all based on your account,” he whispered.

Colton’s words zipped through my body and lit me up like these damn slot machines.

Pointing to a large crowd, I asked, “What’s that?” The crowd immediately groaned and some threw their hands up in the air.
