Page 25 of The Mix-Up

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“Thanks for your advice,” mumbled Colton. But that was it. He didn’t threaten the man. He didn’t call him out or call him names. For having the reputation of a jerk, sometimes Colton surprised me with his control.

The dealer turned over a card for himself, and it was a king. That gave him sixteen and beat my twelve. I sighed. “That sucks. I lost.”

“Hold on,” said Colton. “The dealer can’t stand on sixteen. He must hit.”

I squeezed my free hand into a fist and waited. The next card the dealer turned over was the Jack of Hearts.

“Yes,” cried the man beside me.

“I won?” I asked, turning to Colton. He wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my cheek.

“You won, sweetheart!” he said.

I threw my arms around his neck and squeezed. “I won! I won my first hand!” He held me tightly in his arms. When I pulled away, I wondered aloud, “Beginner’s luck, I guess.”

“Nah. You didn’t just get lucky. You were smart about it.” Then he kissed me softly. “But maybe I’ll get lucky later.”

I bit my lip, hiding my smile, and turned back to the dealer. “Let’s go again.”

I won the next five hands. The guy next to me high-fived me, and Colton exclaimed, “That’s my girl,” at least twice.

I won six hundred dollars that night. It would have been more, but I was too scared to double down when Colton suggested it.

“This is the most money I’ve ever held in my hands,” I said, staring down at the bills.

“What do you plan to buy yourself with your earnings?” he asked, grabbing my free hand and lacing our fingers together.

Without hesitation, I responded, “Books!”

“Quite the bookworm, I see.”

“Not for me,” I clarified. “For my brother. He starts college in the spring. He was going to read them online, but now I can buy him ones he can highlight!”

He stared at me and shook his head. “You’re amazing.”

I smirked. “I’m a pretty awesome sister, I know.”

“Ready to eat?” asked Colton when we got to the car.


“Do you mind if we dine at home? I don’t think I can share you with a room full of people any longer.”

Home. Funny how that one word made me feel so warm inside. “That sounds wonderful.”



Ava was the real deal. She wasn’t fake and didn’t worry about laughing too loudly or drinking regular soda. I was really starting to like her. Shit.

When she said she planned to spend her winnings to buy books for her brother, I nearly dropped to one knee and proposed. I mean, I didn’t even want to get married and she had me thinking these thoughts.

As I drove us back to the house, I turned to look at her while at a traffic light. She sat staring out her window, winding a curl of brown hair around her finger. I felt just like that strand of hair wrapped around her flesh. She twisted my insides and made me want to say things I had never imagined saying. Like “back home”. Where did that come from? Why didn’t I just say back to my place?

After reaching the house, I turned off the engine and shifted my body to face her. There was something about this woman that constantly drew me to her. I pulled the curl away from her hand and kissed her fingers. Despite the warmer climate, they were cold. “Let’s go inside,” I said.

After she climbed out of the car, I held her close to me and rubbed her bare arm. She had goosebumps on her flesh and I wanted to erase them from her body. “Is everything all right?”
