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“You’re flirting again.”

This time, she chuckled, a seductive, deep-voiced, sexy chuckle. It was a laugh that told me she was a good person, but for some reason, she didn’t want to come completely clean with me on why she was here in Sweet Whiskey.

I needed to read her resumé. I hoped all my questions would be answered.

“I can’t help it,” she said, taking a step back. “You’re an intriguing man.”

“But you’re here for the kids.”

She softly cleared her throat. “When do I get to meet the other two?”

“Right now, if you’d like, but I have to warn you. If you think Hank is a handful, my Emily will challenge you like you’ve never been challenged before.”

She shrugged, a habit Hank had, and I loved in him. Funny thing was, I also loved it in Liberty. “Nothing I can’t handle.”

I stared at her for a couple beats. “I believe you.”

“Thanks. Then let’s meet the other kids.”

I stared at her for a moment as she leaned over to take one more sip of her tea, then placed the cup and saucer back on the tray. I couldn’t help but notice the displayed cleavage and flash on how perfect her breasts were. The woman had a little meat on her bones. Not like those overly skinny women who were on a diet twenty-four-seven. Round hips, full, round breasts that I couldn’t stop thinking about, and a small waist that she showed off with that crazy polka-dot dress.

I’d come so close to seeing her completely naked, that the thought of her delicious body spread out on a bed in front of me, drove me crazy.

I told myself to let that vision go. I wouldn’t be mixing business with pleasure, but fuck it all, I couldn’t help thinking about what was under that damn dress.

I was a guy, a single guy, and no matter how I tried, any woman who came into my airspace would be checked out, especially this woman. Yes, she would be taking care of my daughter, and the other two kids, but that didn’t mean I was made of stone.

So, I’d already made up my mind about hiring her, and it was a resounding yes.

After all, it was only for two weeks.

What could possibly go wrong in two weeks?

Liberty 6

Moving day didn’t take much time, especially since Austin and the guys sent over a van and a small crew for all my stuff, which wasn’t very much. Living in a motel didn’t allow for many belongings, so we were packed up and on our way in under an hour. Still, it was nice not to have to shove everything into my Jetta, and even that would’ve taken a couple trips.

When I pulled up in front of the guest house, which was more like a regular one-story, updated, Spanish-style hacienda that anyone could find in town, I couldn’t believe this was happening. After meeting all the kids and answering a few more questions from the guys, I hadn’t been back in my motel room for more than ten minutes when the call came through that I’d gotten the job.

My plan was working.

I had to admit, now that the reality of it stared me in the face, I wanted to turn my little car around and drive back to Nashville. It was my comfort zone, my true north, my retreat from the harsh world.

I’d made many plans in my life that I’d tried implementing. Some worked, while others fell flat. This one, for some inexplicable reason, seemed to work better than expected, which terrified me. Especially when I saw Kasey waiting to greet me on my new front porch.

Be careful what you wish for,kept swirling around in my head.

“Welcome,” he said, standing as I walked towards him, carrying a small bag with some of my electronic equipment. “I thought someone should be here to welcome you to your new home and show you around. We didn’t get a chance to do any of that the other day.”

“Thanks,” I told him as I came closer, trying my best to keep my nerves at bay. An entire set of dark-brown patio furniture, including a small sofa, only added to the comfy ambiance of this little hideaway. “I really like this porch. I might be spending all my evenings out here.”

The house itself looked like a miniature California Mission, which was nothing like the main house. I had a feeling the guest house was already on the property when they bought it, and someone decided to keep it.

A wise decision, especially since I was looking forward to living in a place where I couldn’t hear my neighbor snore. Even if it was only for a couple of weeks, it would give me time and enough money to prepare for my drive back home to Nashville.

“If you like the front porch, you’re going to seriously like what’s out back,” he said, looking adorable.

The two burly guys who had helped me pack everything up now unloaded the van, getting ready to bring everything inside. I felt like a guest, rather than an employee. If this was what working here would be like, I might want to stay longer than two weeks.

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