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“You strike me as someone who’s sharper than they let on.”

“I could say the same thing about you,” I said.

Oh yeah, we were into it now, and I had no intention of pulling back.

“I don’t know how to take that,” she said, looking hotter than a naked porn star.

“Any way you want,” she said with a sparkle in her lovely blue eyes that was so bright, it about knocked me over. The woman was a true vixen, and I didn’t know if I would hire her or let her go. She might prove to be too hot to handle, not only for me, but for the guys as well. We’d talked about sharing a woman but had never found one who would agree. I had a feeling this woman just might.

Problem was, I liked her, and from the way Kasey acted when he talked about her earlier, while I was getting the tea ready, he’d been immediately taken by her.

Oh yeah, she could be a sexy complication on so many levels, but from the way she handled Hank, the complications might be exactly what we all needed.

“Are you flirting with me?” I asked, knowing perfectly well she had pulled out all the stops and damn it all, if it wasn’t working.

“I don’t like country music, remember?”

“That doesn’t mean you’re not flirting.”

She sipped her tea again, then stood. “If I was flirting, believe me, you’d know.”

I had to chuckle at that one. Oh yeah, pure grit. “I like your style.”

“I have a style?”

“Sure do, and I like it.”

“Now who’s flirting?”

“You got me there,” I told her. “If we hire you, this might be dangerous to that business-pleasure mix.”

“A little danger never stopped me before.”

We were standing toe to toe now, so close I could lean over and kiss her.

But I didn’t.

“Before, as in a couple of nights ago?”

“As in before I moved to Sweet Whiskey.”

“And when was that?”

“Several months ago. It’s all in my resumé. Fell in love with the place and decided to stay.”

“You fell in love with Sweet Whiskey? Seems almost impossible.”

“Why’s that?”

“It’s a cowboy town, in the middle of wine country. An extraordinary mix if there ever was one. And you don’t like country, remember?”

She hesitated answering for a moment, exactly like the kids did when they were trying to come up with an excuse for their contradictory behavior.

“I’m an extraordinary girl,” she finally said. “Besides, I never said I didn’t like cowboys.”

The more she spoke, the more I detected a slight Southern accent, as if she was trying her best to cover it up.

Another mystery about this woman.

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