Fame and Obsession

Author: Cora Kenborn
Category: Erotic | Romance | New Adult
Total pages: 163

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Fame and Obsession

F.A.M.E. is a four-letter word
He was the last thing I expected.
A cocky rock star who thinks starting a barroom brawl impresses me.
It doesn’t.
Until I find myself forced into ghostwriting his autobiography.
Julian Bale is a pain in my ass, but we’re strictly business.
I have no interest in him or his baggage.
And if I tell myself that enough, I just might believe it.
As lead singer, women constantly throw themselves at me.
All except for Phoebe Ryan.
She thinks digging into my sordid past will skyrocket her career.
It won’t.
I want her, but ambition and lust are a deadly cocktail.
Sometimes the truth doesn’t set you free…
It costs you everything.

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