Page 58 of Fame and Obsession

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“Do you not care that my privacy has been annihilated since the release party, Julian?”

The voice of non-reason breaks in. “Wait, you two hooked up at the Lords of Lyre party?”


Gage shoots me a look, and I avert my gaze. “Pheebs? I thought you didn’t feel well.”

I glare at Julian. “I didn’t. I felt sick to my stomach. Kind of like I do now.”

“Then how did you two…? Jesus Christ!” As the lightbulb goes off, he points to Julian. “You ran off stage after her?”

“Her?” I break in. “You make me sound like a disease!”

Gage slumps against the wall. “Now I’ve got the why, but not the how.”


“Well, don’t get me wrong, you’re hot, Pheebs, but to jump off a stage just because you have a nice rack and a smokin’ ass? Uh-uh.” He shakes his head.

“He’s the guy from Club Vanquish,” Parker announces as if he’s rattling off stock market stats.

Gage shifts his attention toward him. “Huh?”

“Remember when I asked if the flowers were from the guy from the patio?”

Gage turns back to Julian, his mouth open. “That was you? Why?”

I smack him across the chest. “What do you mean, why? Is it that hard to imagine?”

“That’s not what I meant, baby doll. I just meant that he could have any... I mean he’s Julian Bale, he could get—”

Julian snickers. “Dude, I’d shut up if I were you.” Mercifully putting Gage out of his misery, he moves until he’s brushing up beside me. “Are you ready to go?”

No. Absolutely not.

I grab my clutch off the counter and sigh. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

Electricity radiates from his fingertips as he trails them up my bare arm. “Where’s your sense of adventure, Miss Ryan? You’re really giving up an opportunity to humiliate me in front of your entire company and hundreds of paparazzi?”

“Fine.” I smile sweetly. “Let’s get this over with so I can write the stupid book, and then we can go our separate ways.”

I can’t risk being found, not even for him.

A dark chuckle rumbles in my throat. “Like there’s a chance in hell of that happening.” Turning away, Julian extends a hand to Gage. “It’s been a most memorable meeting.”

Gage blushes and takes Julian’s hand, holding it longer than necessary. “Likewise. You’re welcome here anytime.” But then his bright eyes darken. “But if you hurt Phoebe, I’ll take a Louisville Slugger to your ass.”

“Duly noted.” Nodding, Julian places his hand on the small of my back and guides me out the door. “Come on, princess, we’re going to be late.”

I’ve only taken a few steps toward the elevator when his hands tighten around my waist. I gasp as he spins me around, pressing me roughly against the cinder block wall.

There's no time to react. Julian cups my face, and within seconds, we’re a mass of bruising lips and tongues. My hands wind tightly into his hair, and his hips push into mine, pinning me against the wall.

I moan as lust dilutes logic. The minute it leaves my mouth, Julian groans, his lips sliding to my neck. I lose myself the moment, his fingers feather across the outsides of my breasts before coming to rest under my ribcage.

Reluctantly, he pulls away, lowering those smoldering green eyes to my six-inch heels. He doesn't say anything. Instead, he takes in my gown’s mid-thigh split, silently traveling his gaze up every inch before settling them back on my face.

I’m supposed to be mad at him, but for the life of me, I can’t remember why. I'm too distracted by his dramatic transformation.

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