Page 60 of Fame and Obsession

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A little theatric, but whatever…

“What hurts? And I told you to stop calling me that.”

Lowering his hand, he drapes it across my thigh. “That you think so little of me.”

Frowning, I moved it back to his own lap. “I don’t think of you at all.”

He smiles. “I saw the blog picture too, remember? Lying doesn’t become you, Phoebe.”

“Who says I’m lying?”

Revving the engine, he turns to face me. “I do. Look me in the eye and tell me you don’t think of me. Tell me I don’t crawl inside that beautiful mind when you’re alone.”

My voice is lodged somewhere in between my stomach and throat as he continues.

“You’re constantly in mine, Phoebe. I picture you in that leather miniskirt from the album release. And I think this criminal outfit…” he groans, running his finger down the front of my dress. “This one is going to cause me more than a few sleepless nights.”


“I’ll ask again,” he says, lifting my chin. “Do you think of me when you’re alone?”

I consider lying just to bruise that gigantic ego of his. Then again, maybe a little honesty would blindside him more.

“Yes,” I admit, my voice brittle. “Are you happy? I wish I didn’t, but I’m not going to sit here and say you don’t invade my mind.”

“When would that be?” His stare darkens, and the air in the tiny car becomes unbearably thick.

“At work, maybe. I’m not sure.”


Is that sweat trickling between my breasts?

“Random places.”

He bites his lip, slowly sliding it through his teeth. “In bed?”

We’re stopped at a red light, so he takes advantage and leans in so closely that our lips almost touch. Chest heaving, I wait for the kiss I know is coming.

The one I want.

I close my eyes and lick my lips, ready for his onslaught. I wait...and wait. Finally, I open my eyes to find Julian’s half-cocked grin.

Damn him.

I try to cover my embarrassment by flipping the visor mirror down and pretending to fix my hair. After snapping it back into place, I flop back into the bucket seat and point out the windshield to the road. “We’ve been driving over half an hour. How much longer?”

With a chuckle, Julian returns both hands to the wheel just as the light turns green. “Another twenty minutes or so. This is New York City traffic, princess. You don’t get anywhere fast. Don’t worry, I’ll have you back before sunrise.”

“That’s comforting,” I mutter. “Good thing I’m a law-breaking rebel girl who packs heat.”

He grins. “I’ll protect you.”

“The stunner is for you, genius.”

“I’ll be a perfect gentleman this time. No promises for next time.”

“There won’t be a next time.” I turn and stare out the passenger’s side window. “I’m not going to be media gossip again. From now on, it’s strictly phone business.”

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