Page 101 of Fame and Obsession

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“Get out.”

“I’m not finished talking.”

I shrug. “Too bad. I’m finished listening.”

Still, she stands there, defiant and unwilling to move.

Then a deep voice from behind her breaks the glaring duel between us. “You’re not supposed to be here, Vivian. This area is for Surge employees only.”


He nods to me, then turns his attention back to her. “Unless you have a piano tucked in that outfit, I suggest you get out.”

Vivian glares at him. “Do you know who you’re dealing with, dumbass?”

“Every roadie in town knows who you are, Viv. I believe I heard Julian ask you to leave. I suggest you listen because I can guarantee you the security guard won’t be so accommodating. Should I call him? He’s right downstairs.” Holding up his phone, he arches an eyebrow.

Letting out an exasperated scream, she turns and points her finger in my face. “This isn’t over, Jules. You remember what I said.”

After she walks out, I slowly sink onto a stool, only to have Ty put a hand across my chest to stop me. “No dice, dude. It’s back to work time.”

Sighing, I grab my guitar. “Thanks for that. I owe you one.”

“Forget it,” he says, twisting his long hair up in a weird man bun. “That woman had it coming. Plus, Tanna’s on her way, and there would’ve been a chick fight if she’d caught Viv. Tanna’s hated her since the VIP party.”

“Everybody hates her. She’s fucking toxic.” I debate whether or not to tell him what she said. But with my stomach in knots, I can’t hold it in. “She’s throwing threats around again.”

Ty looks back over his shoulder, tuning his guitar. “What threats?”

“The ones I told you about after the album release. Only now the threats toward Phoebe seem—I don’t know—darker.”

The admission gut punches me.

I definitely need to watch her.

Ty snaps his fingers. “Oh shit, that reminds me. I saw Lilly a couple weeks ago.”


He shakes his head. “Damn, Jag, it hasn’t been that long. Lilly Moore, Lam’s old girlfriend.”

“Oh.” I haven’t seen Lilly since Lam died. After the funeral, I couldn’t stand for her to look at me. I had no doubt she hated me too.

“Anyway, she wanted me to tell you something, but I forgot because we’ve had so many shows.”

“What’s that?”

“She told me to tell you she was sorry to hear about Phoebe.”

I cringe at the media spotlight I’ve put on her. “Yeah, so is everyone else. Glad to know she’s checking out the tabloids too.”

“Nah, man, she said she’s sorry she was in the hospital,” he says, turning his attention back to his guitar.

“Lilly saw Phoebe in the hospital?”

He picks my guitar up off the floor. “Lilly was doing a rotation for nursing school and saw Phoebe leaving with that blond actor guy.”

My teeth clench. “Her roommate. Gage Harlow is her roommate.”

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