Page 44 of Hooks In

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One of his hands is in my hair, his other on my hip, while mine run up his back. I can feel the tension leaving his body as he once again relinquishes his need to be in control, and I feel him under my touch. We’re greedily taking everything we can from each other, and I want more, and more.

His hips press against mine, and in my desperate need to take everything I can, I drop my hands to his ass to grind into him. The grunt that escapes him is music to my fucking ears. The neediness of his touch on my body intensifies and our kiss somehow deepens even more.

Our breaths are heavy, and the urgency is only increasing for both of us. I feel it in him. And I definitely feel it in me.

He suddenly pushes me forcefully against the Jeep and takes a step backwards, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. That disappointed feeling starts in the pit of my stomach again, but when I see the small smirk playing on his lips, I smile.

“I have to go.” He takes another step backwards and gestures with his head to his car a few spaces away.

A breath of amusement escapes me as I reach down and adjust my hard cock in my pants. “So, you’re just going to turn me on and run?”

Ty shrugs one shoulder, then turns and walks to his car. He stops as he opens the door and looks me up and down. “Fuck you, Mitchell.”

I chuckle. “Fuck you, too.”

I watch as he gets into his car, and leaves me standing in the dark parking lot, all hot and bothered and desperate for more.

Well. Here we fucking go.


The parking lot at the gym is full, meaning everyone is already here. As it was another busy day at work, it took me a little longer than usual to get out of there. Good thing I took that car last night… and maybe this means I can convince Bill to let me work some weekends to fill some of my spare time.

As I walk through the parking lot to the gym door, my eyes scan the row of cars, landing on the one that makes me feel a thrum of anticipation. The red Jeep with the stickers all over the rear door.

My gaze rests on the driver’s side door, and the memory of last night rushes in. The feeling of my body against his as I pressed him up against it, and the feeling of him grinding against me…

I have no idea what took over me last night. Something within me told me I needed to go there and see him. And when I saw him walking towards me, my heart started pounding in my chest and my hands felt an urgent need to touch him.

Then he opened his mouth.

But shoving my tongue in it shut him up quick enough.

As I pull the gym door open, that now familiar war starts up inside me once again. A battle between the need to seek him out or avoid him.

I don’t know what this all means. But what I do know, is that when it’s just the two of us, the urgency takes over and it controls me. And last night, I let it. Because that feeling of letting go is addicting. And there are worse things to be addicted to.


“Hey, Ty,” Adão’s voice sounds as I enter the locker room.

I look up to see everyone standing around at their lockers getting ready to train. I’m met with a round of greetings and I quickly nod my head at them, heading straight for my locker and opening the door so I can hide behind it.

There’s a brief beat of silence, before everyone continues with their conversation. Thank God.

“So, we really do need to figure out where we are watching the fights tomorrow night,” Rosa says as I pull my shorts out of my bag.

“I’d offer my place but it’s tiny.” Elijah sighs.

Since I came straight from work, I head into the attached bathroom and shower space to wash the grease from my hands and get changed. And the whole time, I feel Luca’s eyes on me.

Everyone continues making their plan for tomorrow night, and I internally roll my eyes. Why do they do everything together? Is every night spent together in the gym not enough? Do these people ever just have alone time?

“Wherever we go, I don’t care. I’m just pumped to see Blaese come out on top,” Seb chimes in.

I can agree with that one. Tomas Blaese is one of my favorite fighters in the UFC, as I love his gritty, yet tight, style of fighting. He’s strong in both grappling and striking, making him an excellent all-round fighter. He always seems to be able to anticipate his opponent, yet he remains present every step of the way.

He’s exactly what I aspire to be. And being here is what’s going to get me one step closer to being able to fight at his level, and in the UFC.

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