Page 97 of Binding Fate

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Aironell moved toward them. She saw Isabella was with them, clutching her swelling belly. Isabella snapped her attention when Aironell walked by. She forced a smile at her and then snapped back to the scene of the rebels. The Royal Army marched out and stood in formation. Two men led them.Alzerion. Quairken.Please be safe.

At first glance, she could see that the numbers were pretty close.

“They can defeat the rebels,” Melinda said. Aironell tried to ignore the voices around her. She focused her vision down at Alzerion.

A twinge in her chest. She clasped her necklace and took a big breath. At least they looked prepared. Slim metal plating lined their arms and shoulders. They even had metal that stretched over the leather and covered their chest and backs. It was thin. She remembered from one of her reading sessions, that the slim design would help with better movements.

“Amplio sonus,” Aironell muttered. She didn’t want the others to know what she did. But she had to do something. Had to be able to hear what was going on down there. If there was any sign of trouble she knew what to do.

Alzerion looked at Quairken. “Shall we?”

“I will always follow you, sir.” Alzerion led the way as Quairken followed. He held his helmet between his arm and his side as they walked. Defeat was not an option.

He saw Warren’s smug face as he took a few steps closer.

“Alzerion, did you get my letter?” Ulbrick with his hoarse, raspy sounding voice.

Alzerion nodded. He didn’t want to humor them.


Alzerion could hear the demand in his voice. He didn’t waver as he spoke. “Ulbrick, I believe I made my choice.”

“No!” He fumed. “You will regret this.” Ulbrick clenched his fists so tight that his knuckles cracked.

"Go.” Alzerion pushed Quairken as they ran. Alzerion placed his helmet on as he reached his men.

The rebels darted toward the Royal Army as one unit, with swords held high.

“Remember our training men. Let’s divide!” Alzerion yelled.

Alzerion led a group away from the other half of the army. They darted toward the rebels. Alzerion ran with his sword out. Someone stabbed at him and he pivoted to the right and caught the swing. The loud clanging of steel on steel as Alzerion deflected blow after blow. He ducked as his attacker fell forward and Alzerion slashed his blade at his thigh.

Alzerion didn’t have the time to see how Quairken’s group was doing. He saw a large guy behind Castro. Alzerion dashed with blade out like a pointed he got closer Alzerion dodged other rebels and stabbed at others. The body count was rising but Alzerion had to reach that big guy, before it was too late. He squinted. Trying hard to judge his distance before his next move.

In that moment he saw Quairken take position. Alzerion yelled, “Now!” In mere seconds the majority of the rebel forces were trapped in an oval-shaped barrier. The Royal Army kept forcing their way in. Alzerion took a breath as he took his sword and stabbed it at the ground. Then he used his strength to propel himself forward like he was a human slingshot. Alzerion soared through the air, until he collided with the large guy bombarding Castro.

Alzerion and the guy hit the ground. Alzerion quickly scrambled to get up but the other guy was faster. He swung his sword down at Alzerion, who rolled to the side. Alzerion tried to grab the closest sword, but felt a hard hit to his arm. Alzerion clutched at his wound, as he rolled. He felt a searing pain as he rolled onto his back. This time there wasn’t another blow as he saw Castro standing with his arm out. Alzerion grabbed it and stood. “Thanks.”

“No, thank you, sir.” Castro handed him his sword and then deflected a blow from the side.

Alzerion sprinted to a fallen soldier and with his sword sliced off a piece of leather from his uniform. Alzerion dashed behind a boulder, and wrapped it around his wound, and pulled tight. Teeth clenched as he stood up and joined the frenzy. Alzerion caught a glimpse of Ulbrick and he made his way. He sliced through three rebels and blocked a couple blows from someone off to his side.

He saw this red mass spreading across the land. Alzerion blocked and then parried blow after blow. Ugh, he couldn’t get to Ulbrick, not yet. Alzerion thrust his sword and his enemy went limp and then fell over. Alzerion pulled his sword back, and felt the warmth from the blood. His hand felt sticky. There were less people still standing. He had but a moment to scan his surroundings. Something caught his attention. The redness that he saw grew larger like a barrier of some kind. Alzerion sniffed the air.

He went pale. He spun around until he finally caught sight of Ulbrick again. He was waving his hand with the sapphire ring. Magic. Damn it. Ulbrick smiled wide as he kept waving his hand. This time there was a swirl of red that circled his hand as he aimed it at Alzerion.Crap. Alzerion lunged to the side and then jumped behind a boulder. It wasn’t just a barrier it was hot. Ulbrick was spreading a flaming inferno.

Alzerion’s cinnamon red eyes filled with rage. He heard screams from some of his men burning. Alzerion peeked out and saw the man on fire. His screams echoed in his mind.

He saw Quairken was a closer distance. “Do you have this?” Alzerion shouted, unsure if Quairken understood.

Quairken stretched his arms out, tackled the soldier, and then smothered the flame with his body and the dirt from the ground.

The flames kept spreading across the land. Would the protection spells work against fire? He couldn’t take that chance. Hell, Ulbrick already broke the rules of warfare. Alzerion climbed on top of the boulder. He felt the sharp edges of the boulder slicing into his palms.

He was a ball of tension. His eyes bulged as he looked up to the sky and shouted, “Pluviam.” The sky darkened as dark-grey clouds spread across the sky. Down came a torrent of rain. The raging fire died down and he could see steam from the mixture of water and fire. Then he aimed his hands at where Ulbrick was hiding and blew above his hands at Ulbrick.

Quairken, drenched, called out, “Sir, don’t.”

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