Page 96 of Binding Fate

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“I need more time. I think I trust him to protect Bachusa.” She craned her neck back to the outline of the town in the distance. Then she spun around, back pressing against the rail. “I don’t know if I trust him andme.”

Aironell sighed. “I guess we shall see.”

Queen Evalyn nodded. “Let’s head back in. There is one other thing I must tell you.”

Aironell strolled into her room and then turned around. The queen pursed her lips as she moved closer to Aironell. “We need to be prepared for the rebellion.”

“Haven’t we been preparing?” Aironell tilted her head.

“Darling, I mean there could be an attack any day now.”

“What?” Her face scrunched up.

The queen swallowed. “Alzerion says they have been planning their attack for some time. Since he has sided with us, he wouldn’t put it passed them to attack soon.”

“So, this is based on Alzerion’s assumptions?” Aironell crossed her arms.

“He knows them. He is pretty confident that they will. They want to destroy us and punish him. Please no leaving the palace, and let’s just be ready for anything.”

Aironell’s arms dropped to her side and she nodded. “Well, then we have more important things to worry about than my feelings. Has the army been warned?”

“Of course.” Queen Evalyn headed to the door. “Alzerion took care of that. They are his soldiers, after all.” Then she turned and grabbed the door handle.

“Mother, wait.” She dashed to her side. “Don’t let him lead the army.” Her voice sounded more pleading than she thought it would.

“Aironell, this is what he has been training most of his life for. Weneedhim to lead.”

Aironell bit her lip to keep it from trembling. She stared up with a little bit of water in her eyes. “What if he gets hurt?”

“So, you do still care about him?” The queen’s lips curved into a small smile.

Aironell didn’t say anything, she just looked away. Aironell felt her mother’s hand under her chin. Then it was lifted, gently. “Aironell, we will trust that he has those matters in hand. For now, get dressed and come join us downstairs.”

With that the queen left the room. Aironell looked around at the space she grew to love. She pulled out the most fitting outfit. Her hair was braided into a ponytail clasped with a heart-shaped clip. Instead of wearing a gown, she put on black fitted pants, pulled on long dark-brown leather boots. Next, she grabbed a purple top. Its sleeves were loose, but went to her wrists. Aironell wrapped a black belt around her waist. The belt had the family crest on the front of the buckle. She gazed at herself in the mirror as she touched the half-heart necklace. Satisfied, she left her room.

Meanwhile, Alzerion put on dark gray fitted slacks and black boots. He grabbed the sturdier materials. This was not a practice session. No, today could very well be the real deal. He put on a tight, dark-colored shirt and added his scabbard around his waist. Alzerion picked up his sword, inspected it, and then sheathed it. He grabbed his half-heart necklace from his desk and placed it on. He tucked it under his shirt. This would do for now. He would find his armor at the barracks.

Aironell was on his mind. She hadn’t spoken to him since Warren. Now wasn’t the time. He had a job to do. Defend the palace and see the army to victory. Aironell would have to wait, for now. He took one more look around and saw a letter on his desk. He dashed toward it.Maybe it was from Aironell.Alzerion tore it open and his face twisted with anger, with each word he read.

Dear Alzerion,

I don’t believe you would be so foolish to turn your back on me and the cause. I’ll forgive this lapse in judgement if you fight against the Royal Army, and hand me Aironell. You are running out of chances! Don’t forget what happens to those who cross me. Come to your senses.


Alzerion ripped the letter and crumpled it. He tossed it in the trash as he left for the barracks.

Back at the palace, Aironell was helping to secure the palace. She went out the front doors and then spun on her heels to face the palace. Aironell clapped her hands together, rubbed them until she felt a spark form over her hands. Then she placed them over her head and slowly pulled them apart. In front of her, she could see a thin veil of light blue and sparkles. It was transparent as she stretched her arms and twirled around. Once she was sure that it covered the whole palace, she breathed out and brought her arms down. In mere seconds, the shield was up and shimmered around the perimeter of the palace.

That should keep everyone safe, she thought. Nobody would be able to enter and no weapon would pierce through. She went back inside the palace and strolled through the halls. As she walked she ran her hands along the walls. Each of her fingertips trailing against the ornate pattern. With each step she focused on her spells. Which ones might be useful for battle. Aironell swallowed.Most spells were too risky and could cost them. She shook her head.No. That kind of thinking couldn’t happen. Not when all she loved was here. Her eyes narrowed. She knew what she needed to do.

Without hesitation Aironell strolled passed some maids. She turned her head, but nobody was watching.Good. She dashed up the stairs and down the hall to Alzerion’s room. She went to grab the doorknob. Her hand shook for a moment, but then she twisted it and went in. Aironell grabbed a blank piece of paper from his desk and sat in his chair as she wrote. She read it over, twice. Satisfied. She placed it on his bed. Her lisp curled into a small smile as she smelled his scent. She had never been in here. There were no guarantees of anything for the future.

Clomp, Thud. Aironell darted to Alzerion’s window and pulled the curtains aside. She saw so many men ready. They wore metal helmets and what looked like thick leather. It covered their arms and there were extra thick pieces around their knees and shoulders. From her studies, she knew this was not the Royal Army. Aironell gulped. The rebels. A man stepped forward. His face was worn. Aironell felt a chill in the air. The man looked around and raised his arm. Some of his men held tight to their bows. He dropped his arm and they released their arrows. At least a dozen or so raced through the air toward the palace.

Aironell peered up to the balcony at the top of the palace. She saw her parents and Alzerion’s mother. There were others, but she couldn’t quite make them out.Please let it work. Please. Her fingers twisted around the other when she heard a boom from the arrows. Aironell grinned.Thank goodness.The protection held. The arrows hit, caught fire, and they exploded in the air. Aironell looked back down at the man. He frowned but his eyes went hollow. Aironell left Alzerion’s room and ran through the palace. Down the hall and up some stairs, until she opened the steel door that opened out to the balcony.

The king and queen both turned. “Thank goodness,” Queen Evalyn looked up to the sky.
