Page 98 of Binding Fate

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It was much too late. The wind picked up like a gale of sorts and headed for Ulbrick. Alzerion watched his smug expression shift. He whispered something to one of his followers. He didn’t care. He would end this.

Up on the balcony Aironell grasped the ledge. Her knuckles were white from squeezing so hard. Alzerion, how could you be so reckless? He placed himself out in the open. She heard Ulbrick tell that man to attack, Alzerion.Did he not know?Alzerion didn’t move or run. Aironell started to twist her necklace around in her hands.Come on Alzerion.

Aironell heard the queen’s voice. “Melinda, what has gotten into him? He knows better than to use magic.” Aironell turned to observe them.

“Do you mean Alzerion?” Melinda looked troubled, conflicted.

The queen nodded. “He may cost more lives with this rainstorm.”

Melinda starred down at Alzerion. She spoke with a tone. “He doesn’t cope well against, Ulbrick. He never has.”

Queen Evalyn patted her on the back. “I’m sure he will be fine. Alzerion is tough.”

“I’m sure they both will come out of this.” King Francisco added.

Aironell shook her head.What? She must have heard them wrong.Why did Melinda care about the well-being of the rebel leader?He was out there trying to kill her son. Clearly, she was missing something. That didn’t matter, not now. She turned back to the men.

Alzerion calmed the raging winds down. She saw some men gathering around Alzerion.Turn, Alzerion.

Aironell’s hand snapped to her mouth. She had to do something. She slowly stepped back. This had to be timed just right. Finally, she was far enough that nobody could see her.

She closed her eyes and swirled her arms around and his she chanted. Then her eyes burst open as she said, “Nubes de magicae.”

King Francisco barely turned to her when she sprinted toward the balcony and jumped.

“Aironell!” She heard the screams but focused on the growing white puff.

No, she couldn’t look back. She was falling until she landed on that white puff. She grasped a corner of the cloud as she soared through the air. Overcome by equal parts anger and concern.He wasn’t allowed to die. Not while she was still so angry with him.He was supposed to be protecting her, huh.A few arrows flew at her but she laid on her belly. That way she wouldn’t be as big of a target. Nobody from the palace would follow. They couldn’t. She saw to that. They were trapped there, for now.Safe. That was all that mattered to her. The men on the field were too busy watching her. Then she disappeared. Gone.

What the hell is she doing? Alzerion’s gaze darted forward, back, and to the side. He didn’t see her.What happened to her?He was distracted when he felt a heavy whack against his head. He fell over. Someone gripped him up.

“Well, you may as well surrender. Poor Alzerion. You allowed yourself to get caught. So weak!” Ulbrick spat.

Alzerion turned his head to the balcony. They were the innocents. Ulbrick was a bully at best. Aironell. He felt the tug at his heart. He breathed out as he turned back to face Ulbrick.

“As I predicted, you have nobody.” Ulbrick inched moved closer. “There’s nobody who can save you.”

“That’s not true.”

Ulbrick looked around and the minion that held him, spun around. Alzerion couldn’t see anyone. The voice. It was hers, but how?

“Who’s there? Show yourself at once?” Ulbrick demanded.

“I’m right behind you.” Ulbrick and his minion turned once more. Alzerion felt like he was being spun round and round. Aironell’s voice dancing in the air.

The next time they turned Alzerion felt his body being thrust to the ground as the guy holding him cried in pain. Alzerion quickly stood up and there she was, by his side. She was a vision of a combat princess.

“Wh-what are you doing?” Alzerion stammered.

“Alzerion, do it. Kill her.” Each one of Ulbrick’s words had a punch to it. Like venom seeping through to infect.

Alzerion’s eyebrows curved in as he took another look at Aironell. She tilted her head at him. Those beautiful eyes staring back at him.

Alzerion turned to Ulbrick. “You know I wouldnever, do that.”

“Not even to earn my forgiveness?”

“No!” Alzerion stepped in front of Aironell.

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