Page 90 of Discovering Lily

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“Fuck!” I screamed outin frustration. “Why can't that bitch just die! Are you sure you injected the poison into her IV or did you just lie to me to get the sex you wanted from me?!” I yelled at Luca upon learning that Lillian was alive and well and home now at my parents’ estate.

“I wouldn't lie to you about that shit and you know it! I've done everything you’ve asked me to do, Camilla! Even though it goes against my better judgement, I do it, for you!” He shouted back at me.

Knowing what he was telling me was the truth, that he loved me too much to deceive me, I calmed down and crawled across the bed to curl up in his lap.

I couldn't lose his loyalty or his love for me. I need him.

“I'm sorry. I'm just so worried that my life with you is going to be cut short before it ever begins. My father may not kill me right away, but I know Vitale will. And with Gustavo on the run from both of them because of me I'm worried that he’ll come after me. I guess I'm just scared is all.”

Kissing the top of my head, he wrapped me up in his arms and breathed out into my hair. “Let's just go. Let's just get as much money together as we can between the two of us and leave the country.”

“I can't.”


I cupped his face. “No you don't understand, it's not that I don't want to, it's that I gave Gustavo almost everything I had put away to do just that when I hired him to get rid of Lillian, the only other money I have left is the money under my parents account in my trust, but in order to get to it I need one of their signatures.”

Sitting up, he asked. “Do you think they know about what we’ve done already?”

“No way of knowing... wait! I know who I can ask, but you’re not going to like the reason I can get information out of this person.”

“Let me guess, you fucked whoever you’re going to call?”

I looked down at my hands. “I'm sorry. It was a confusing time for me these last couple of years, I acted out a lot.”

“I think you still are Camilla, look at the mess we are in now because if it.”

Getting off his lap, I ran my hands through my hair as my anger built. “Don't you think I know that?! I'm trying to clean up this mess the only way I know how! But it just keeps getting worse and now I know just what I have to do to end all of this once and for all to get the money and then leave the country!”

“And what's that?”

“Call Momma.”

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