Page 91 of Discovering Lily

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When my father cameout to the pond where Vance, Brice and I sat, catching Vance with his hand up my skirt, he lost it. I couldn’t ever remember seeing my father act this way towards me, my sister, or my mother. I'd always heard that my father had a temper but all I'd ever seen was his love and protection. This man that stood in front of me now, yelling was not my papa, he was the infamous mob boss, Costanzo Marchetti. After he threatened to kill Vance and Brice if they didn't leave, I became horrified and tried to tell him just how much they meant to me. But he was just too blinded by the anger of what we’d done to see what we really were together.


When he dragged me away from them, I looked back over my shoulder with tear filled eyes, wondering if this would be the last time I ever saw them again. The minute I turned around, I instantly regretted it, the hurt in their eyes not only matched my own, but there was something else in theirs, humiliation for their desires and lifestyle choice of sharing. The things my father said to them about being sick and twisted, asking them if they planned to share me like a whore were just too awful to hear and even worse to watch. Trying to pull away and reason with him, I begged. “You’re wrong about them papa, please just listen to me. I love them and they love me, it's not sick or twisted. They would never pass me around to their friends, you have them all wrong!”

Stopping suddenly, he looked at me with stern eyes. “Don't you raise your voice to me Lillian, I am doing what's best for this family, what's best for you! What do you think would happen if it got out that I not only broke my promise to Vitale for your hand in marriage but allowed you to be in such a perverted relationship that is seen as a sin in our world?! It would be seen as a weakness!”

“Men in our world sin all the time papa and you know it! How many of them have a wife and a family and then a girlfriend on the side, huh?! I'll tell you, all of them do!”

“Well you’re not them and neither am I! Your momma is the love of my life and for you to insinuate that I would ever do such a disrespectful thing to her is a shame baby girl, such a shame. You should know me better than that.”

Feeling horrible that I basically lumped my father in with all the cheating bastards we knew by using the phrase all the men in our world I told him. “Of course you wouldn't cheat on Momma. I know you love her, but you have to know I love them, too, papa. I love them!” I screamed at him through my sobs, trying to get through to him.

“I knew your heart belonged to them, I could see it from the moment I laid eyes on the three of you together.” My mother announced, walking into the living room where my father and I now stood arguing.

“Momma,” I choked out with tear-soaked eyes as I ran into her arms. “Please talk some sense into him, make him see what you see.”

Stroking my back, she tried to calm me down. “Shh my bambina, shh. Constanzo, is all of this really necessary?” She asked when Vance and Brice were being escorted into the house with four, gun toting jerks flanking them to make sure that they followed the demands of my father.

“Donna, this I will not budge on, not even for you, my love.”

Hearing that he won't even budge for my mother, the woman he never says no to, I knew all the hope I had that she could be the one to reason with him dropped away into more tears.

As Vance and Brice passed by us to head up the stairs, the anguish and anger in their eyes made the final crack in my heart break wide open. “Constanzo, at least let her say her goodbye’s to them, she deserves that much as do they for saving our baby and bringing her back to us safely.”

Letting out a heavy breath, my father looked to me. “You have five minutes to say your goodbye’s to them and that's it.” He strode away towards his office.

Taking the stairs two at a time, to catch up to them, I couldn't even feel the pain in my back from the whipping I received at Gustavo’s hands. Stepping in front of the four large assholes, that were taking the loves of my life away from me, I ordered. “Stop right there! My father is allowing me five minutes alone with them.” Looking back at my mother, she nodded at them, letting them know that I was allowed to say goodbye to them alone. With what I always assumed she knew about us; I could see the tears welling up in her eyes just before she turned to walk away.

We entered Vance’s room and closed the door and I instantly ran into their arms, pulling them close to me and burring my head in Brice’s chest. “I-I don't know what to do.” I sobbed.

Lifting my head up, Vance asked me. “Do you still want us at the end of all this, Lily?”

“Of course I do, I only want you both.”

“Then we’ll figure out a way to make that happen, sweetheart.”

“But how, when my father is forcing you onto a plane back to Texas?”

“You just let us worry about that, okay baby.” Brice assured me, brushing my hair off my face.


“Do you trust us?” Vance asked, cutting me off.

“You know I do.”

“Then just know that we’re not going anywhere, and we’ll figure out how to get this whole mess with your sister, Gustavo, and your father sorted out, all right?”


“Now put this back on,” Vance said, handing me the sterling silver ring I lost when Gustavo took me.

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