Page 74 of Discovering Lily

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Headed out towardsthe island, the boat moved along at a quick pace as everyone checked their weapons and ammo, making sure we didn't go in there unprepared. Suddenly the captain of the boat called out. “Grab a hold, boys!” We all grabbed onto of the bars that lined the boat in front of us.

Flipping the gear shifter, the boat literally took a nose dive into the water, pushing up a wall of water in front of us so high it looked to be about twenty feet tall. Once the water receded, the boat coasted along at a silent but efficient pace, bringing us closer to the island. “That was something else.” I mumbled to Brice.

“You aren't fucking kidding, brother.”

“Like my toy, do ya?” The captain asked.

“Yeah, think we might need to invest in one of these.”

Rigs spoke up. “Okay, we're about three miles out from the hot spot, so we need to go dark, no movement or talking unless absolutely necessary.”

Everyone nodded in agreement as we skated along the top of the water, getting closer to Lily. “We're coming for you, sweetheart.” I said to myself in my head as I looked at Brice who wore the same look in his eyes.

Pulling up to the south side of the island, we searched the area for any unfriendly we might encounter and need to take out before stepping onto the island. Not finding anything, one by one we began the climb up the steep incline, reaching the top slowly but surely. Once everyone had made it up the incline, Rigs gave the hand signal that we were to pair off into sets of two as we encroached on the mansion sitting at the top of this floating prison Lily had been brought to. Finding the window, we needed, Rigs slowly started to lift it up just as we heard footsteps approaching us around the corner, making their way towards us. All of us crouched down with guns pointed and waited for the poor bastard that was about to run out of life make his way to us. When he rounded the corner, one of our men rose up and grabbed him around the neck, twisting it to the side quickly with a snap, effectively breaking it as he dropped to the ground. Returning our attention to the window, Rigs finally got it open and crawled through to check the room out that we were about to enter before we all file in behind him.

Hearing a muffled female scream, she was quickly silenced with what I hoped wasn't deadly force since she probably wasn’t out here by choice. As we all piled in through the window, I was relieved to find her huddled in the corner. “What are we going to do with her?” Brice whispered to Rigs.

“Tie her up and gag her, we can't risk her blowing our location.” Making quick work, one of the other men tied the older woman up and gagged her, reassuring her that she would not be harmed as long as she didn't try to escape or make a sound, to which she nodded her head quickly.

Opening the bedroom door, Derek stuck his head out, looking around to see if we were all clear to penetrate the premises. As soon as he gave the 'all clear' signal, we filed through the door one by one with our guns drawn. When we approached the dining room, Brandon flashed two fingers, alerting us that we had two unfriendly that we were about to encounter. When they rounded the kitchen, two bullets found their way straight into their heads, landing them face down in a pool of their own blood. Brandon signaled that we were all clear now and for us to all move forward as we slowly broke off into our teams of two. Brice and I, with each other's back, took out the guards that crossed our paths one by one. We made our way up the stairs, searching every room we came to until we found the right one where Lily's clothes lay on the floor in the bathroom. Both Brice and I spot the clothes at the same time and share a solemn look with one another before I closed my eyes and prayed, she hadn't been violated by this fucking prick.

“Let's head back downstairs to see if we can find her,” Brice said, breaking me out of that flash in my head of what's possibly happened to her.

Nodding my head, we began to move out of the room and down the stairs when movement in the corner caught my eye. Just as I turned to get a full view, a shot rang out, hitting me in the shoulder as I went down from the impact of the bullet. “Shit!” I yelled out from the burning pain as Brice took the kill shot, ending the bastard.

“How bad is it?” He asked.

“Just a flesh wound. It's a clean shot, I'll be okay.” I assured him. “Let's just find Lily and get the hell off this island.”

He leaned down to help me up and we continued to make our way down the stairs. “We have the package.” Sounded through our earpieces and we both picked up our pace.

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